Genealogy Projects tagged with Münchhausen on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Münchhausen (noble) - White Line

    Munchausen The Munchausen are originally on the territory of Lower Saxony, and later in Saxony-Anhalt, first documented in 1183 mentioned noble family. White Line * Christoph von Munchausen to Haddenhausen († 1565), 1558/60 Danish governor of Estonia ( wiki article )* Johann von Munchausen († 1572), 1540/60 and 1542/60 Bishop of Kurland bishop of Ösel ( wiki article )* Ludolph von Munchhausen (...

  • Münchhausen (noble) - Black Line

    Munchausen The Munchausen are originally on the territory of Lower Saxony, and later in Saxony-Anhalt, first documented in 1183 mentioned noble family. ==Black Line * Stacius Munchausen († 1517), father of the colonels Hilmar ( wiki article )* Hilmar von Munchhausen (1512-1573), German mercenary leader, royal Spanish Obrist ( wiki article )* Statius von Munchhausen (1555-1633), fourth son of th...