Genealogy Projects tagged with Norwegian on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Norwegian - arrivals in South Australia

    Norwegian - arrivals in South Australia - Index Many families and some single persons arrived in South Australia, a free settlers State in the 1850's to 1880's.In working with these records it has been noticed that many did not stay in South Australia. The hospital records include many sailors and seamen.They may have gone directly to the Goldfields, many appear in Victoria Australia and Queens...

  • Norsk kunst - Arts in Norway

    Prosjektet tar sikte på å samle profiler til betydelige norske kunstnere. For å bli med i prosjektet må profilene være:* Offentlige og satt som Master Profile* Inneholde biografisk informasjon fra Wikipedia og gjerne Store Norske Leksikon eller SNL* tilhøre kunstnere av betydning

  • Norwegian Jazz

    Norwegian Jazz===Background==In recent years Norway has also become a major force in world jazz. Pioneers of Norwegian jazz include Jan Garbarek . His cool, almost ambient approach is typical of Norwegian jazz, although recently there have been moves to build bridges with electronica and post-rock. He, too, has linked jazz with traditional Norwegian music, as evidenced in his recording Rosenfol...

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - Norway: Survivors

    1918 Influenza Pandemic - Norway: Survivors=Please add to this project any profiles of those who were infected but survived the 'Spanish Flu' pandemic of 1918 To participate in any project- you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext, Unicode and images which gives a great deal of as...

  • 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate)

    Bataljon 99 er navnet brukt i Norge for 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate). The 99th infantry Battalion (Separate) was activated at Camp Ripley, Minnesota on July 19th 1942 as per written instructions by the War Department. This unique elite unit was to consist only of Norwegians and Americans with direct Norwegian descent. Soldiers picked out for this elite unit had to have a working knowledge...

76-80 of 80 projects