Genealogy Projects tagged with Prat on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Genealogy of Prates - Origins of Prates

    It used to be found information that Prates are descendants of van Praet. According to that, Jàcome van Praet moved from Belgium (Antwerp) to Portugal. Probably because he was from a cadet branch. The King and the Portuguese Court received him very well. It´s said that generations after the family changed the surname to a Portuguese version (Prates) and then António Prates became Senhor de Póv...

  • The Not-Lost Colony

    Will be uploading the Harvie, Wood, Hunt, Chapman et al records of the proto-Lumbee families from books online into one spot.* TITHABLE Peter Vickar, listed as Vicca of Non Lost Colony and West Spanish FL n VICS PLANTERSof VR to VICKSBURG and VICK'S VAPO RUB, of the J1 FTDNA family. * Wood* Harvie* Chapman* Howe* Jones* Warren* Withers * Smart* Ellis* Humphrey* Sampson* Prat Prather*Archand* Pi...