Genealogy Projects tagged with Smyth County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • First Battle of Saltville, VA 2 October 1864, US Civil War

    The First Battle of Saltville (October 2, 1864) was fought near the town of Saltville, Virginia, during the American Civil War. The battle over a significant Confederate saltworks in town was fought by both regular and Home Guard Confederate units against regular U.S. Army troops, which included two of the few black cavalry units of the United States Colored Troops. U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Stephen...

  • Battle of Marion, VA December 17, 1864 – December 18, 1864, US Civil War

    The Battle of Marion (December 17–18, 1864) was a military engagement fought between units of the Union Army and the Confederate Army during the American Civil War near the town of Marion, Virginia. The battle was part of Union Maj. Gen. George Stoneman's attack upon southwest Virginia, aimed at destroying Confederate industrial infrastructure near Saltville and Marion. Union Cavalry and Infant...

  • Second Battle of Saltville, VA 21 December 1864, US Civil War

    The Second Battle of Saltville (December 20–21, 1864), was fought near the town of Saltville, Virginia, during the American Civil War. After the defeat of General Stephen G. Burbridge's expedition against Saltville, Union General George Stoneman reassembled a force to destroy the saltworks there. Stoneman's force included Burbridge's Division and a brigade under Brigadier General Alvan C. Gill...

  • Smyth County, Virginia, USA

    Official Web Site =This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county.