Genealogy Projects tagged with Trogir on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Trogir i Trogirani

    Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija, Trogir / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Trogir Pogledajte Traže se imena osoba / Looking for the names of these people Detaljnije / Details ŽUDIKA - Park Žudika, Trogir - Petorica trogirskih mladića minom su sa spomenika odvalili carsku glavu Franje Josipa I s poprsja, u subotu dana 28.listopada 1918.godine. - R.Slade Šilo...

  • Trogir census of 1702/3 (Status animarum)

    Status animarum 1702/3 Citta 1 [Grasselli] Sig. Bortolo Grasselli d'anni 44 Sig. Orsola sua consorte d'anni 46 Sig. Joanna sua figliola d'anni 15 Sig. Julian suo figliulo d'anni 12 Sig. Bortola sua figlula d'anni 10 Giovanni Batista suo figlio d'anni 8 Sig. Cambina sua figlia d'anni 3 Antonia Chinchina serva d'anni 47

  • Trogir census of 1743 (Status animarum)

    Stato dell' Anime della Citta di Trau dell' anno 1743 1. Illmo. Mons. Vescovo con persone n. dieci - 10 - [Fonda] 2. Illmo. et Ecc. Sr. Co. Cap. con persone quattordeci - 14 3. Sig. Canc. con persone eredeci - 13 4. Gabbriel Urbani con persone quattro - 4 - [Urbani] 5. Cattarina Bogdan con persone due - 2 - [Bogdanovich detto Bogdan] 6. Illma. Sr. Maria Quarco con persone sei - 6 - [Quarco] 7...

  • Obitelj Katalinić

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI Katalinić (Catalinich, Cattalinich) Ovo je projekt o povijesti, podrjetlu i rodoslovlju trogirske obitelji Katalinić Obitelj kalafata iz Trogira ulazi u grad Split vjenčanjem meštra Mate s Anom Bakotić 1775., dok se njegovi sinovi Anđelo i Ante žene Jerkom Grigillo 1808., odnosno Katom Lisičić 1810. godine. Četiri predstavnika treće generacije su također kalafati, da bi u...

  • The many families of Bilić in Trogir

    The many families of Bilić in Trogir How can you help? If you have a Bilić from the town of Trogir (before c. 1900) in your tree, please add to the project or send the link of profile to Marino Kumir . History The earliest evidence of Bilić family in Trogir can be found on the ledger stone from the church of St Lazarus (today St Joseph) which is dated to the year 1533. It is inscribed with th...

  • Ivacich-Gruich Genealogy Project

    This genealogy project focuses on tracing back to the Ivacich family in Trogir, Croatia during the 17th and 18th centuries. Anyone with information on Morlach soldiers, Venetian military records, or historical Croatian documents that might have the Ivacich or Ivazzich surname would be a big help. I am also looking for anyone who can help with translating old records written in Italian. This ...