Genealogy Projects tagged with Visigoths on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Kings of the Visigoths

    The Visigothic Kingdom , officially the Kingdom of the Goths (Latin: Regnum Gothorum ), was a kingdom that occupied what is now southwestern France and the Iberian Peninsula from the 5th to the 8th centuries. One of the Germanic successor states to the Western Roman Empire, it was originally created by the settlement of the Visigoths under King Wallia in the province of Gallia Aquitania in sout...

  • Visigoths

    A link to Jordanes. English version. Getica: How close this text comes to the thruth is hard to say. There can be severel motives for the writer. Hovever it is one of the closest sources of the time of the Visigoth or the Thervingi that excist hovever far it is in time from the actual event. It is also said to be a copy of another document written closer to the events. That can both make it...

  • Queen consorts of the Visigoths

    List of Visigothic queens From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia The names of only a few of the queens of the Visigoths are known. As the Gothic monarchy was elective, all queens were such only as consorts of their husbands. In his Chronicon John of Biclarum styles Goisuintha "queen" ( regina ) under the years 579 and 589. The wife of Reccared I subscribed to the canons of the Third Council o...