Genealogy Projects tagged with Washita County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Washita County, Oklahoma

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Washita County, Oklahoma. History In 1883, John Miles leased 3,000,000 acres of Cheyenne and Arapaho land to seven cattlemen. However, arguments soon developed between the cattlemen and the tribesmen. In 1885, the Federal government terminated all of the leases and ordered the cattlemen to remove their stock. The area was settled...

  • Red Top Cemetery, Colony, Oklahoma

    Located in Segar Township, Colony, Washita County, Oklahoma; Legal description: NW ½ Section 32, Township 10 N, Range 14 W. From Colony, Ok, 3 miles south, then ½ mile west. A tract of land was deeded to the Domestic Reformed Church for church purposes, however there is no deed to the cemetery. The cemetery is also known as Buck Creek Cemetery. Caretaker: Jerry Weichel Find a Grave OK...