Genealogy Projects tagged with Wendish on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Wends

    Wends In the Middle Ages the term "Wends" often referred to Western Slavs living within the Holy Roman Empire, though not always. Mieszko I, the first historical ruler of Poland, also appeared as "Dagome, King of the Wends" (Old Norse: Vindakonungr). The name has also survived in Finnic languages (Finnish: Venäjä, Estonian: Vene, Karelian: Veneä) denoting Russia.Wends (Old English: Winedas, Old...

  • Prussian Settlement in Queensland

    Prussian (German, Polish, Slav, Russian, Wendish) settlement in Queensland Australia==Germans/Prussians began to settle in Australia in large numbers in 1838, with the arrival of immigrants from Prussia to Queensland. German immigrants were prominent in settling South Australia and Queensland . Between 1850 until World War I, German settlers and their descendants comprised the largest non-Briti...

  • Prussian settlement in Victoria

    Prussian (German, Polish, Slav, Russian, Wendish) settlement in Victoria Australia==Germans/Prussians began to settle in Australia in large numbers in 1838, with the arrival of immigrants from Prussia to South Australia, Victoria and Queeensland. German immigrants were prominent in settling South Australia and Queensland some disembarked in Victoria and others left South Australia and moved to ...