Genealogy Projects tagged with accidental decapitation on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Beheadings

    Deliberate Beheadings===Please add Geni profiles of those who died by being beheaded . It might help to make sub sections to index profiles, as we've done for England.* ( Accidental decapitations are in the project Decapitations, Accidental found under the "Accidental, Unusual death" headings) Translations more than welcome.Note: The "English Beheadings" project has been consolidated into this ...

  • Decapitations, Accidental

    Accidental Decapitations===Please add the profiles of those who were accidentally decapitated, regardless of the means (see below) & include any details, if known, in the About section of the profile.* ( Deliberate Beheadings are in the project Beheadings under Capital Punishment ) Decapitation is the complete separation of the head from the body. Such an injury is fatal to humans and usually f...