Genealogy Projects tagged with belize on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Mayas

    This project is for the Maya Civilization of southern Mexico and Central America.==Summary====Notables====Timeline====resources, references and links==* ChortiInvestigar más los apellidos de origen Chortí.Los indígenas de la etnia Chortí, del Oriente de Guatemala y Occidente de Honduras, en su mayoría, tienen apellidos de origen español, tales como: García, López, Pérez, Ramírez y otros, los cu...

  • Genus Family Jamaica

    under constructionABCDEFGWilliam Genus William genus Henry Genus Joseph GenusHIJKosmoLMNOOrrPParchmentPennQRSTUVVernonWXYX

  • Maroon Culture

    This project is a portal for Maroon groups throughout the Americas, and a product and sister to the Facebook group of the same name: Maroon Culture .==WHO AND WHAT ARE MAROONS?==The word Maroon is said to stem from the spanish word 'Cimarron', which means (from the colonialist's perspective) uncontrollable, 'wild, and untamed'. The etymological root of 'Cima' means top, as it relates to the mou...