Genealogy Projects tagged with boers on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Anglo Boere Oorlog/Boer War (1899-1902) POW Bermuda

    Aim and Scope== To gather profiles of the men who were POWs in Bermuda and who have profiles on GENi, and to share interesting tales and anecdotes about individuals. Please collaborate and contribute... POW's Bermuda During the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902), Bermuda received and housed a total of approximately 4,619 Boer prisoners of war, of whom 850 were under the age of 19. The youngest was si...

  • Argentinian Boers

    1902 and 1907 many Afrikaner families left South Africa and sailed to Argentina as self-imposed exiles. The Anglo-Boer War had just ended. Those Afrikaners who left had, like their kinsmen, lost friends and family to the war effort or to the British concentration camps and were moving because they refused to live under English rule.The first group of exiles sailed from Table Bay aboard the old ...