Genealogy Projects tagged with bone cancer on the Geni Family Tree

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  • People who died from Bone Cancer

    A bone tumor , (also spelled bone tumour), is a neoplastic growth of tissue in bone. Abnormal growths found in the bone can be either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).Average five year survival in the United States after being diagnosed with bone and joint cancer is 67%. jump back to* Cancer ** death by natural causes *** Cause of death portal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this project is in...

  • Sarcoma

    Please add profiles for those who died from any form/site with Sarcoma.=== A sarcoma is a rare kind of cancer. Sarcomas are different from the much more common carcinomas because they happen in a different kind of tissue. Sarcomas grow in connective tissue -- cells that connect or support other kinds of tissue in your body. These tumors are most common in the bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage,...