Genealogy Projects tagged with brasileiros on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Jews of Brazil

    Jewish settlement in Brazil began when the Inquisition took hold in Portugal in the year 1497. The first documented Jewish arrival can be traced back to the year 1500 when Gaspar de Gama , a Crypto-Jew, accompanied the Portuguese admiral Pedro Alvares Cabral when he landed on the shores of what is now known as Brazil. Like Gaspar de Gama, most Jews who arrived at that time were known as New Chr...

  • Montano Family (Worldwide)

    This project is destined for research on the Montano Family, with the intent of finding the oldest Montano to have ever lived. This project began in Sep, 09, 2021. If you have experience in the history of the Montano Family or relevant information for this project, feel free to join! Quick history of the Montano Family From Quarto al mare, whence they transplanted to Genoa around 1300. Eld...

  • Exilados brasileiros: os 70 do Chile

    Anos 1970, ditadura militar no Brasil. Um grupo de 70 presos políticos, membros das mais diversas organizações políticas clandestinas, é enviado ao Chile como exigência para a libertação do embaixador suíço Giovanni Enrico Bucher por parte de seus seqüestradores.Ver:* [ Trailer do documentário '''Setenta''']*[ Decreto legislativo de banimento]* [ Os sequestros que abalaram a ditadura]No dia 7 d...