Genealogy Projects tagged with colombia on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Colombia Portal

    Bienvenido al Portal de Colombia para colaborar con geni en relación a este portal primeramente le recomendamos la creación de una cuenta y el desarrollo de su propio árbol genealógico. También puede colaborar con nosotros en este hermoso proyecto que lograra digitalizar toda la vida y la historia de Colombia cómo unificar toda la información diseminada en Geni con relación a este país.. Pers...

  • Presidents of Colombia

    Gobernantes de Colombia De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Saltar a: navegación, búsqueda El gobernante y el sistema de gobierno en el actual territorio de Colombia ha variado a lo largo del tiempo desde el tiempo precolombino hasta nuestros días. Durante el periodo prehispánico, los chibchas se reconocen como la más importante cultura en el territorio de Colombia. Sin embargo, la zona S...

  • Commemorative Medals of the Liberator

    Las medallas conmemorativas son documentos de caracter permanente de que se ha valido el hombre que vive en sociedad para conmemorar hechos trascendentes de la actividad humana en todos sus ordenes o tambien para honrar a divinidades o personalidades esclarecidas. Estas, como las monedas, las condecoraciones y los monumentos, pertenecen a la ciencia numismatica, la cual precisamente resulta del...

  • Black Africans in Colombia

    A project about the history and genealogy of Blacks in Colombia.==What can you do here?==*Ask questions.*Collaborate on your research.*Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area.*Problem finding an ancestors, open a discussion here and we all try to help*Start your own related project.*Add your profiles.*Start or take part in a discussion==Summary====Not...

  • Colonial Residentes of Peru

    250 Years of Colonists of New Castile aka the Viceroyalty of Peru from 1532 to 1781 Listing who can be proven to have arrived or to have been born in what is now Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, or Uruguay between 1500 and 1781.After the Spanish conquest of Peru (1532–37), the first Audiencia was constituted. In 1542, the Spanish created the Viceroyalty of New Castile, that s...

  • Simón Bolívar

    Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco, commonly known as Simón Bolívar, (July 24, 1783 – December 17, 1830).Simón Bolívar is regarded in Hispanic America as a hero, visionary, revolutionary, and liberator. During his lifetime, he led Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela to independence, and helped lay the foundations for democratic ideology i...

  • Jews of Latin America

    History of the Jews in Latin America and the Caribbean began with seven sailors arriving in Christopher Columbus' crew. Since then, the Jewish population of Latin America has risen to more than 500,000 — more than half of whom live in Argentina, with large communities also present in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.>>==Projects>>* The Latin American Jewish Odyssey >>* Jews of Brazi...

  • Presidentes de la Gran Colombia

    Presidentes de la Gran Colombia====*1819-1830 : Bolivar, Simon ~ Capitanía General de Venezuela – (1800-1900) mandato presidencial desde 17 de diciembre de 1819 al día 3 de mayo de 1830.* 1819-1827 : Paula Santander, Francisco ~ Virreinato de Nueva Granada – (1800-1900) mandato presidencial desde 20 de noviembre de 1819 al día 20 de febrero de 1827.* 1827-1830 : Bolivar, Simon – (1800-1900) man...

  • German Jewish immigration to Colombia, 1933-1939

    This project seeks to collect all the German Jewish émigrés and refugees who arrived in Colombia between 1933-1939. In 1939, Colombia halted immigration due to anti-immigrant sentiment.Resources: * Colombia Virtual Jewish History Tour Jewish Virtual Library* History of Jews in Colombia Wikipedia* Colombia frente al antisemitismo y la inmigración de judíos polacos y alemanes 1933-1948 (Colombia ...

  • Maroon Culture

    This project is a portal for Maroon groups throughout the Americas, and a product and sister to the Facebook group of the same name: Maroon Culture .==WHO AND WHAT ARE MAROONS?==The word Maroon is said to stem from the spanish word 'Cimarron', which means (from the colonialist's perspective) uncontrollable, 'wild, and untamed'. The etymological root of 'Cima' means top, as it relates to the mou...