If in your family tree you have a persons that ware the Lithuanian deportees by the Soviet system, please add them to this project. Please add within a profile description some biography facts.* Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the selection list). You may add any p...
In the early 1930s, a great number of German and Austrian writers and intellectuals left their countries after the Nazi book burning campaign . A lot of them settled in Sanary-sur- Mer, at one point between 1933 and 1944, a then small French village in the South of France, 30 miles from Marseille. Among them the proportion of Jewish intellectuals was high.On arriving, many exiles stayed at the ...
Проект для людей, сосланых в Нарым. Документы Сибирская жизнь 1906-08-22 : ссылка (страница 3) Административное распоряженiе. Вслѣдствiи окончанiя слѣдствiя по дѣлу марiинской группы с.р. судебная палата зачiнала обвиняемымъ по этому дѣлу содержанiе подъ стражей освобожденiемъ подъ залогъ. 14 августа двоимъ изъ обвиняемыхъ по этому дѣлу, Василiю Вставскову и Петру Верещинскому, было объя...