Genealogy Projects tagged with fur on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Frontier Scouts and Guides

    Add frontier scouts and guides to this project. People included in this project might also qualify for other projects, such as American Old West , Explorers and Navigators , Fur Traders , Fur Trappers and Mountain Men , and Prospectors . You can visit HistoryLink to find out which projects include your ancestors. == History =="The West owes much to those hardy men who, usually from mere love of...

  • Furriers

    fur·ri·er n.>1. One that deals in furs.>2. One whose occupation is the dressing, designing, cleaning, selling, or repairing of furs.Fur clothing is clothing made of furry animal hides. Fur is one of the oldest forms of clothing; thought to have been widely used as hominids first expanded outside of Africa. Some view fur as luxurious and warm; however others reject it due to moral beliefs. The t...