Koenigsberg was one of the most important Jewish centers in Prussia/Germany. The former capital of East Prussia is part of Russia today, and is now known as Kaliningrad. The settlement of Jews was allowed only in the beginning of the 18th century despite the presence of Jewish traders from Poland and Lithuania at the Königsberg fairs since the middle of the 16th century. The Chevra Kadisha an...
This Jewish Town Project attempts to identify and collect Jewish individuals from or connected to Tilsit, Ostpreussen, now known as Sovetsk in Kaliningrad oblast. A well documented city in Jewish tradition and population. Many Jews lived in Tilsit. Tilsit was treated very badly during and after World War II. See:
This Jewish Town Project attempts to identify and collect Jewish individuals from or connected to Memel, Ostpreussen, now known as Klaipėda in Lithuania.The history of the Jewish community in Memel is relatively young and marked by many political changes. In the 19th century German Jews and immigrants from the Pale of Settlement met here. Especially after the First World War, when the area was ...
This Jewish Town Project attempts to identify and collect Jewish individuals from or connected to Allenstein, Ostpreussen, now known as Olsztyn in Poland. Allenstein, the seat of the Warmian chapter was an important trading center since the 17th and 19th centuries, frequented by numerous Jews. But a Jewish community was established only at the beginning of the 19th century. The Jewish citizens...
This Jewish Town Project attempts to identify and collect Jewish individuals from or connected to Guttstadt, Ostpreussen, now known as Dobre Miasto in Poland. Guttstadt was an important trading center in the 18th and 19th centuries, frequented by numerous Jews. But a Jewish community was established only at the beginning of the 19th century. The Jewish citizens developed a lively community lif...
under construction (Jan 15, 2021)
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Mutterstadt (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany.= Link: The Mutterstadter Jewish community including Gurs Deportations-1940 and Auschwitz Link: Guide to the Papers of Ernest Loeb - Leo Baeck Institute, including Loeb & Dellheim Family Trees Link: Mutterstadt: Mazewot of the Jewish cemetery - Grabsteine auf dem jüdischen Friedhof b...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Friedelsheim (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany.= Link: Friedelsheim with Gönnheim Jewish History - Synagogue
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Schifferstadt (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany === Schifferstadt: Mazewot of the Jewish Cemetery - Grabsteine auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof ' Schifferstadt Jewish History and Synagogue
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Buttenhausen, Germany. General Community Information: JewishGen-Buttenhausen Town Page Historical Tour of Buttenhausen - Münsingen [PDF in English and German; sites of Jewish interest] Buttenhausen Jüdische Geschichte / Synagoge [from Allemania Judaica, in German] The Jews of Buttenhausen [blog, possibly inactive] Civ...
There was a Jewish community in Nieder-Wiesen in the Alzey-Worms areuntil 1933. The history of the community goes back to the 18th century. 1804 76 Jewish inhabitants, 1824 84 1828 91 1861 124 (21,1 % von insgesamt 588 Einwohnern) 1880 82 (14,3 % von 573), 1900 62, 1910 53 (9,1 % von 568).There was a synagogue and a school and a cemetery.Family names such as Mendel, Herzog, Strauss, Levi, Mayer