Genealogy Projects tagged with iraq war on the Geni Family Tree

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  • War Brides

    War Brides= War bride is a term used in reference to wartime marriages between soldiers and foreigners, especially–but not exclusively–during World War I and World War II.One of the largest and best documented war bride phenomenons is American soldiers marrying German "Fräuleins" after World War II. By 1949, over 20,000 German war brides had emigrated to the US.[1] Furthermore, it is estimated ...

  • NATO Non-Article 5 Medal for Training Mission in Iraq (NTM-Iraq)

    The NATO Training Mission – Iraq was established in 2004 at the request of the Iraqi Interim Government under the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1546. The aim of NTM-I was to assist in the development of Iraqi security forces training structures and institutions so that Iraq could build an effective and sustainable capability that addressed the needs of the nation. NTM-I was not a...