Genealogy Projects tagged with latvian on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Latvian Geneology

    The project includes index table of all Latvian Geneology projects and usefull information for finding Latvian roots. Collaborators are welcomed to add information, discussions etc on this project to help furder geneology research for beginners and profesionalists as well. Our main goal is building Latvian Lielkoks all together - to find relations between each other, get connected as whole nati...

  • Bauska, Latvia

    people==Friedrich Bernhard Albers, 18th century silversmith. Karl Constantin Kraukling, (1792-1873), Director of the Royal History Museum, Dresden. Arthur Böttcher, (1831 – 1889), pathologist and anatomist. Lazar Nisselovich, (1858-1914), member of the 3rd Russian Duma. Rav Avraham Isaac Kook, 1st Chief Rabbi of British Mandatory Palestine , (1865-1935), Bauska rabbi 1894-1904. Vilis Olavs, (...