Siia on oodatud kõikide inimeste märkimised oma lahkunutest, kes on naetud ajavahemikus 1882-1900. Kui olete taastanud oma lähedaste, esiisade-emade väga vanad hauad, siis lisage siia Mina Mart Paju taastan oma kunagise esiisa, vana-vana-vana-vanaonu Jüri Waik (1822-1907) pereplats, mis oli üle 100 aasta suurte puudega kaetud ja ligi 100 kilone rist js veel paar suurt hauakivi tulid välja 50 cm...
As the first Europeans landed and began their westward push, women were placed on the edge of hardship and danger. They took care of their families, and defended them. Limited in their legal rights and accepted customs of society at the time, women mostly honored their husbands demands and spent their time cooking meals, tending to children, watering the horses and taking care of the household ...
Greenwood Cemetery is located in Columbia, Maury, Tennessee. The cemetery is small, containing a little over 600 graves. "Greenwood Cemetery, although not the oldest cemetery in Maury County, is the original burial grounds in the city of Columbia. It was created on November 14, 1809 by the commissioners designated by the governor of Tennessee to lay out the county seat for Maury County. Greenw...