Genealogy Projects tagged with pedigree on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Spurious Pedigrees

    Come and collaborate and share your knowledge of spurious pedigrees. Add links; add profiles; identify wishful thinking, leaps of fancy, mistakes since corrected but still in circulation ... and outright scams. from Fraudulent Genealogy by Lisa South, Certified Genealogist There are many reasons that people create fraudulent genealogies: 1. Family members that are trying to hide something...

  • Groninger Kwartierstatenboek 1

    I received news that the Pedigree-book of Groningen (parts 1, 2 and 3) will be made public online. Parts 1 and 3 are already available. You can find them here: Book 1 Book 2 (will be available soon) Book 3 I would like to add the information of this books to Geni. Who would like to help? Please put your name behind the pedigree you are working on, and ✔︎ when done, in the index bel...

  • Groninger Kwartierstatenboek 3

    I received news that the Pedigree-book of Groningen (parts 1, 2 and 3) will be made public online. Parts 1 and 3 are already available. You can find them here: Book 1 Book 2 (will be available soon) Book 3 I would like to add the information of this books to Geni. Who would like to help? Every book has it's own project. For Book 1, see here: Book 3 is completed. All names and pedi...