Genealogy Projects tagged with pedro miguel on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Habitantes mais antigos de Pedro Miguel

    Catholic church records - marriages in Pedro Miguel from 1641 to 1712 This is a list of the adult inhabitants during the first half of 17th century in Pedro Miguel. It has been extracted from church records. This list is not complete for it includes only the head of families whose parents are unknown. There were other adults but those are children of the ones listed here.It is said the parish w...

  • Nascidos em Pedro Miguel - elos perdidos

    Este projeto busca registrar os perfis de pessoas naturais de Pedro Miguel - Ilha do Faial - Açores cujos pais são desconhecidos, de forma a torná-los MP para sua descendência e/ou encontrar seus ancestrais em outras freguesias açorianas ou mesmo fora dos Açores.