Genealogy Projects tagged with pies on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Bakers

    Bakers=Bakers in the family then please add them to this project.===The Egyptians===Records show that already in the years 2600-2100 B.C. bread was baked by Egyptians, who it is believed had learned the skill from the Babylonians. A relief representing the royal bakery of Ramses features bread and cakes, some of these were shaped in the form of animals and used for sacrifices. Other early recor...

  • Confectioners

    Were Confectioners formerly what we think of today, sweet makers? Or did they, in the past, besides cakes, pies,and sweet treats, make and sell savoury treats as well? There is a book printed in 1800 "The Complete Confectioner" and the table of contents alone is 34 pages long and includes items that we can only wonder at what they may be. Flummery sounds rather nice though.If your ancestor was ...