Genealogy Projects tagged with polish shtetls on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Jewish Communities of Poland

    This is an umbrella project for the Jewish communities historically associated with Poland- this includes the Russian Pale, Congress Poland, Galicia and parts of Prussia. NOTE THE LIST BELOW IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE AND IS IN PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT. There were over 1000 Jewish communities in Poland and what was at one point or another historically associated with Poland. Several towns are the f...

  • Jewish Families of Głowno, Poland

    This is a project for Jewish Families of Głowno, Poland. This project aims to assemble all of the Jewish families from the town of Głowno. Collaborators welcome!Information about the town can be found at the following locations: We Remember Jewish Głowno JewishGen Locality Page for Głowno Virtual Shtetl page for Głowno at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews

  • Jewish Families from Wieruszów, Poland (וירושוב)

    Jewish Families from Wieruszów, Poland This is a project for Jewish Families of Wieruszów, Poland. This project seeks to identify and collect all of the Geni profiles of Jewish individuals connected with Wieruszów and also Jewish families from the town of Wieruszów, Poland. Located on the western bank of the Prosna River and on the southern side of the S8 Highway, east of Kepno and west of Soko...