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Genealogy Projects tagged with swiss on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Swiss Mennonite Emigrant Ancestors - Pioneers and First Familes

    A potential companion to or subset of the more recent this project, "The Swiss Mennonite (Anabaptist) Emigrant Ancestors - Pioneers and First Families" could be seen as a collaborative effort between any and all interested parties (and/or descendants) to collect, confirm, and accurately complete the profiles and family trees of the Pioneers and First Families of our Swiss Mennonite (Anabaptist)...

  • Swiss Americans

    Swiss Americans are Americans of Swiss descent, including those whose ancestors spoke Swiss German, Swiss French, Swiss Italian, and Romansh. Today, there are approximately 1 million Americans who identify as Swiss American. Purpose of project Please use this project as a place to connect with others tracing their Swiss ancestry, share resources you find, offer helpful tips, ask questions abo...