Genealogy Projects tagged with trees on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Using atDNA results to complete RSA trees

    This project’s aim is to help South African Geni users use atDNA results to find missing links, and it is for users whom uploaded atDNA results to Geni and are unsure on how to use it to complete trees. It is also written in October 2018 using the current methods employed by Geni to show and match atDNA results, which are subject to change in future. Assuming you are such a user, with an incomp...

  • Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, England

    Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, England= The mansion at Ditchley was built by the[ George Lee, 2nd Earl of Lichfield second Earl of Litchfield ], a member of the Lee family, in 1722, to a design by James Gibbs . It stands on the site of an earlier timber-framed family house in classic north Oxfordshire wooded farmland, once the royal hunting ground of Wychwood Forest.The entries in this section giv...