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There are already 17 users and 558 genealogy profiles with the Argento surname on Geni. Explore Argento genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Argento Genealogy and Argento Family History Information

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  • Asia Argento
    Argento was born in Rome, Italy, into a family of actors and filmmakers, both occupations which she has herself pursued. She made her debut when she was only nine years old in Sergio Citti's Sogni e bi...
  • Daria Nicolodi (1950 - 2020)
    Nicolodi (born 19 June 1950) is an Italian actress and screenwriter.* Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 22 2023, 4:09:43 UTC
  • Dario Argento
    Argento (Italian: [%CB%88da%CB%90rjo arˈdʒɛnto]; born 7 September 1940) is an Italian filmmaker and critic. His influential work in the horror genre during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the subg...
  • Dominick Argento (1927 - 2019)
    Dominick Argento (October 27, 1927 – February 20, 2019)[1] was an American composer known for his lyric operatic and choral music. Among his best known pieces are the operas Postcard from Morocco, Mi...
  • Marilù Tolo
    Marilù Tolo, nome d'arte di Maria Lucia Tolo[1] (Roma, 16 gennaio 1944), è un'ex attrice italiana, particolarmente attiva negli anni sessanta e settanta, anche come interprete di fotoromanzi.

About the Argento surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Argento surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Argento surname.

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