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About the Arnaut surname

arnaut hilmo


Balázs Déri :

Arnaut families and the Albanian nation called Arnaut both may well ,in a certain number, be descended from Awat-Arrenna son of A-Wam-Mer-Raha son of E'as-Sharra,who - called Easru by the Scottish Albanian traditions - might have been the chief of Tyros alternatively called Sarra ,the ancient homeland of Türk and Sarrakén nations .

Caucasian Albans were called Aghwank,so one can assume that his Tyrsén ,that is Toscanian or Tosk descendants later,at the conquest of te Holy Land ,setlled in its Northern part where now peoples in general labelled as Algwank ,now rather Algonquine ,live . Their language should be related to the extinct Toscanian with heavy impacts made by the Levitic Albanian dialect in it . The Northern Country,as it is written,was run down in and from about 800 BC by Assyrians , and its inhabitants were deported and scattered in the foreign lands they had been brought to at that occasion . So did Albans appear in Scotia and in Hépeiros,as well as in Italia and in many other places ,and the mixture of the ethnically indentical tribes deprived from ancestral tribal territory has during centuries just increased , to such measure like we can see it now , when the tribal tradition in most places is already deep substricted and is an object of subtile mental oppresssion exercised by the foreigners .

See Arnót,Romeiro,Sardo,Glaser,Scott,Toscanini,Albano,Albanesi,Arnavud,Heberer, Heber,Türk and more !