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Barbary Genealogy and Barbary Family History Information

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  • Cyriel Barbary (1899 - 2004)
    Cyriel Barbary==== English ===*Cyrillus-Camillus Barbary (4 August 1899 – 16 September 2004) was the last known Belgian veteran of the First World War. He was born in Klerken in West Flanders. He serve...
  • Marie Barbary (1639 - 1710)
    was not to be deterred in his quest for a wife and on September 27, 1669 he signed a marriage contract with Marie Poire from the Seignerie D'Autray. This contract was also annulled. Jean tried again on...
  • Marie Barbary dit Grandmaison (Lebrun) (1643 - 1689)
    Marie et Pierre furent tués par les Iroquois avec 2 de leurs enfants le 5/8/1689 lors du massacre de Lachine. Marie et Pierre furent tués avec deux (2) de leurs enfants par les Iroquois lors du massa...
  • Marie-Madeleine Barbary dite Grandmaison (1669 - 1689)
    -"Marie-Madeleine" née vers 1669, mariée 17 janvier 1684 et veuve de Jean Tillard, remariée à André Danis en 21 juin 1688 Il est victime du massacre Iroquois de Lachine le 5 aout 1689. Il est tue et br...
  • Barbary (deceased)

About the Barbary surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Barbary surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Barbary surname.

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