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Borja-Agana Genealogy and Borja-Agana Family History Information

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  • Papa Callistus III (Alfons de Borja) (1378 - 1458)
    Pope Callixtus III (31 December 1378 – 6 August 1458) (Catalan: Calixt III, Spanish: Calixto III), né Alfons de Borja, was Pope from 8 April 1455 to his death in 1458.Alfonso de Borja was born in La To...
  • San Francisco de Borja y Aragón, S.J. (1510 - 1572)
    (Gandía, 1510-Roma, 1572) Religioso español. Marqués de Lombay y duque de Gandía, fue nombrado virrey de Cataluña (1539). Al trasladar de Toledo a Granada el cadáver de la emperatriz, quedó tan conmovi...
  • Francisco de Borja y Aragón, 2. conde de Mayalde, Virrey del Perú (1581 - 1658)
    FRANCISCO DE BORJA Y ARAGON (D.) V Príncipe de Esquilache, Conde de Mayalde, nació por el año de 1581 ú 82, pues por Marzo de 81 vino á España su padre sirviendo á la Emperatriz Doña María. Fuéron sus ...
  • Francisco de Borja de Almeida Corte Real (1785 - 1817)
    Ao morrer em ação, era comandado do Coronel Sebastião Barreto, comandante do Regimento dos Dragões do Rio Pardo na primeira guerra contra Artigas 1816-17.
  • Lucrezia Borgia, duchessa di Ferrara, Modena e Reggio (1480 - 1519)
    BORGIA (April 18, 1480-1519 June 24) was the daughter of Rodrigo BORGIA, the powerful Renaissance Valencian who later became Pope Alexander VI, and Vannozza dei CATTANEI. Her brothers included Cesare B...

About the Borja-Agana surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Borja-Agana surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Borja-Agana surname.

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