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Congress of the Philippines

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[Image: In 1935, the Legislative Building became the place of inauguration of the newly-established Philippine Commonwealth.]

Philippines in the Spanish Cortes

The Philippines was given representation to the Spanish Cortez on 19 March 1812, with the approval of the Constitution of Cádiz. When Napoleon I was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and his brother Joseph Bonaparte was removed from the Spanish throne, the Cádiz Constitution was replaced with a more conservative constitution that removed Philippine representation on the Cortes. The restoration of Philippine representation to the Cortes was one of the grievances by the Illustrados, the educated class during the late 19th century.

Pedro Pérez de Tagle :: Manuel Correto

The First Republic

Emilio Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence on 12 June 1898, and convened the Malolos Congress, tasked with the approval of the 1899 Constitution of the Philippines. It convened from 15 September 1898 to 13 November 1899.

Gregorio S. Araneta (1st Secretary) :: Benito Legarda (Vice-President) :: Pablo Ocampo (2nd Secretary) :: Pedro Paterno (President) :: Pablo Tecson (1st Secretary replacement) :: 130 other members

The American Era Congress

The Philippine Bill of 1902 mandated the creation of a two-chamber Philippine Legislature with the Philippine Commission as the Upper House and the Philippine Assembly as the Lower House. In 1916, the Jones Law abolished the Philippine Commission and a new bicameral Philippine Legislature consisting of a House of Representatives and a Senate was established.

The Commonwealth Congress

The 1935 Constitution established a unicameral National Assembly. In 1940, through an amendment, a bicameral Congress of the Philippines consisting of a House of Representatives and a Senate was created. Those elected in 1941 would not serve until 1945, as World War II erupted.

The Second Republic

The Japanese Forces established the Second Philippine Republic and convened its own National Assembly. With the Japanese defeat in 1945, the Commonwealth and its Congress was restored. The same set up will continue until the Americans granted independence on 4 July 1946.

Independent Era

The First Congress of the Republic was formed on 04 July 1946. Successive Congresses were elected until President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law on 23 September 1972. In 1970, Marcos had convened a constitutional convention to revise the 1935 constitution. The 1973 Constitution abolished the bicameral Congress and created a unicameral National Assembly, which would ultimately be known as the Batasang Pambansa, convened in 1978.

After the 1986 People Power Revolution which deposed President Marcos, President Corazon Aquino then ruled by decree. She appointed a constitutional commission that drafted the 1987 Constitution which created a bicameral Congress of the Philippines.

Commonwealth :: Senate :: Alauya Alonto :: Melecio Arranz :: Nicolas Buidon Buendia :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Esteban Militante de la Rama :: Antonio de las Alas :: Ramón Fernández :: Carlos Polistico Garcia :: Pedro Hernáez :: Domingo Imperial :: Vicente Lopez Madrigal :: Daniel Maramba :: Rafael Martínez :: José Ozámiz :: Quintín Paredes :: Elpidio Quirino :: Vicente Rama :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Manuel Roxas :: Proceso Sebastián :: Emiliano Tría Tirona :: Ramón Torres :: José Yulo Yulo

1st Congress :: Senate :: Alauya Alonto :: Pablo Ángeles David :: José Avelino :: Nicolas Buidon Buendia :: Tomas Cabili :: Olegario Clarín :: Tomás Confesor :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Antonio de las Alas :: Ramón Diokno :: Vicente Francisco :: Carlos Polistico Garcia :: Pedro Hernáez :: Domingo Imperial :: Fernando Hofileña Lopez :: Alejo Mabanag :: Vicente Lopez Madrigal :: Enrique Magalona :: Camilo Osías :: Gerónima Pecson :: Salipada Pendatun :: Vicente Rama :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Jose E. Romero :: Próspero Sanidad :: Proceso Sebastián :: Vicente Sotto :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Ramón Torres

2nd Congress :: Senate :: Esteban Raymundo Abada :: Pablo Ángeles David :: José Avelino :: Manuel Briones :: Tomas Cabili :: Tomás Confesor :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Francisco Afan Delgado :: Carlos Polistico Garcia :: José P. Laurel :: José Corteza Locsín :: Vicente Lopez Madrigal :: Enrique Magalona :: Justiniano Montano :: Camilo Osías :: Quintín Paredes :: Gerónima Pecson :: Macario Peralta Jr. :: Cipriano Primicias Sr. :: Gil Puyat :: Claro M. Recto :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Vicente Sotto :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Ramón Torres :: Felixberto Verano :: José Zulueta

3rd Congress :: Senate :: Manuel Briones :: Tomas Cabili :: Edmundo Cea :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Francisco Afan Delgado :: Ruperto Kangleón :: José P. Laurel :: Oscar Ledesma :: Roseller Lim :: José Corteza Locsín :: Fernando Hofileña Lopez :: Pacita Warns Gonzalez :: Enrique Magalona :: Justiniano Montano :: Ambrosio Padilla :: Quintín Paredes :: Emmanuel Neri Pelaez :: Macario Peralta Jr. :: Cipriano Primicias Sr. :: Gil Puyat :: Claro M. Recto :: Soc Rodrigo :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Pedro Sabido :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: José Zulueta

4th Congress :: Senate :: Alejandro Almendras :: Domocao Alonto :: Eulogio Balao :: Edmundo Cea :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Rogelio de la Rosa :: Estanislao Fernandez :: Ruperto Kangleón :: Oscar Ledesma :: Roseller Lim :: Fernando Hofileña Lopez :: Pacita Warns Gonzalez :: Genaro Magsaysay :: Ambrosio Padilla :: Quintín Paredes :: Emmanuel Neri Pelaez :: Cipriano Primicias Sr. :: Gil Puyat :: Claro M. Recto :: Soc Rodrigo :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Pedro Sabido :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Arturo Modesto Tolentino

5th Congress :: Senate :: Alejandro Almendras :: Dominador Aytona :: Eulogio Balao :: Mariano Jesús Cuenco :: Rogelio de la Rosa :: Jose W. Diokno :: Estanislao Fernandez :: Rodolfo Ganzon :: Maria Kalaw Katigbak :: Oscar Ledesma :: Roseller Lim :: Juan Liwag :: Fernando Hofileña Lopez :: Genaro Magsaysay :: Manuel Manahan :: Raul Manglapus :: Ferdinand Marcos :: Camilo Osías :: Ambrosio Padilla :: Cipriano Primicias Sr. :: Gil Puyat :: Soc Rodrigo :: Eulogio Rodriguez Sr. :: Jose Roy :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Arturo Modesto Tolentino :: Tecla San Andres Ziga

6th Congress :: Senate :: Alejandro Almendras :: Magnolia Antonino :: Ninoy Aquino :: Dominador Aytona :: Helena Benitez :: Jose W. Diokno :: Eva Estrada Kalaw :: Rodolfo Ganzon :: Maria Kalaw Katigbak :: Wenceslao Lagumbay :: Juan Liwag :: Genaro Magsaysay :: Manuel Manahan :: Raul Manglapus :: Camilo Osías :: Sergio Osmeña Jr. :: Ambrosio Padilla :: Emmanuel Neri Pelaez :: Leonardo Balagot Perez :: Gil Puyat :: Soc Rodrigo :: Gerry Roxas :: Jose Roy :: Jovito Salonga :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Lorenzo Guivelondo Teves :: Arturo Modesto Tolentino :: Tecla San Andres Ziga

7th Congress :: Senate :: Alejandro Almendras :: Magnolia Antonino :: Ninoy Aquino :: Dominador Aytona :: Helena Benitez :: Jose W. Diokno :: Rene Espina :: Eva Estrada Kalaw :: Eddie Ilarde :: Wenceslao Lagumbay :: Salvador Laurel :: Genaro Magsaysay :: Ramon Mitra Jr. :: John Henry Osmeña :: Sergio Osmeña Jr. :: Ambrosio Padilla :: Emmanuel Neri Pelaez :: Leonardo Balagot Perez :: Gil Puyat :: Gerry Roxas :: Jose Roy :: Jovito Salonga :: Lorenzo Sumulong :: Mamintal Tamano :: Lorenzo Martínez Tañada :: Lorenzo Guivelondo Teves :: Arturo Modesto Tolentino

8th Congress :: Senate :: Heherson Alvarez :: Edgardo Angara :: Butz Aquino :: Joseph Estrada :: Neptali Gonzales :: Teofisto Guingona Jr. :: Ernesto Herrera :: Sotero Laurel :: Raul Manglapus :: John Henry Osmeña :: Vicente Paterno :: Aquilino Pimentel Jr. :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Leticia Ramos-Shahani :: Nina Rasul :: Alberto Romulo :: Rene Saguisag :: Jovito Salonga :: Mamintal Tamano :: Wigberto Tañada :: Victor Ziga

9th Congress :: Senate :: Heherson Alvarez :: Edgardo Angara :: Butz Aquino :: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo :: Rodolfo Biazon :: Neptali Gonzales :: Teofisto Guingona Jr. :: Ernesto Herrera :: Blas Ople :: John Henry Osmeña :: Leticia Ramos-Shahani :: Nina Rasul :: Ramon Revilla Sr. :: Raul Roco :: Raul Roco :: Alberto Romulo :: Tito Sotto :: Wigberto Tañada :: Francisco Tatad :: Arturo Modesto Tolentino :: Freddie Webb

10th Congress :: Senate :: Heherson Alvarez :: Edgardo Angara :: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Franklin Drilon :: Marcelo Fernan :: Juan Martin Flavier :: Neptali Gonzales :: Ernesto Herrera :: Private :: Private User :: Blas Ople :: Serge Osmeña :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Leticia Ramos-Shahani :: Ramon Revilla Sr. :: Raul Roco :: Alberto Romulo :: Tito Sotto :: Francisco Tatad :: Freddie Webb

11th Congress :: Senate :: Tessie Aquino-Oreta :: Bobby Barbers :: Rodolfo Biazon :: Rene Cayetano :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Franklin Drilon :: Marcelo Fernan :: Juan Martin Flavier :: Juan Martin Flavier :: Teofisto Guingona Jr. :: Private :: Robert Jaworski :: Loren Legarda :: Private User :: Blas Ople :: John Henry Osmeña :: Serge Osmeña :: Aquilino Pimentel Jr. :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Ramon Revilla Sr. :: Raul Roco :: Tito Sotto :: Francisco Tatad

12th Congress :: Senate :: Edgardo Angara :: Tessie Aquino-Oreta :: Joker Paz Arroyo :: Bobby Barbers :: Rodolfo Biazon :: Rene Cayetano :: Noli de Castro :: Franklin Drilon :: Loi Ejercito :: Juan Martin Flavier :: Private :: Robert Jaworski :: Panfilo Lacson :: Loren Legarda :: Private User :: Blas Ople, John Henry Osmeña, Serge Osmeña :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Aquilino Pimentel Jr. :: Ralph Recto :: Ramon Revilla Sr. :: Tito Sotto :: Manny Villar

13th Congress :: Senate :: Edgardo Angara :: Joker Paz Arroyo :: Rodolfo Biazon :: Pia Cayetano :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Franklin Drilon :: Loi Ejercito :: Juan Martin Flavier :: Richard Juico Gordon :: Panfilo Lacson :: Lito Lapid :: Alfredo Lim :: Jamby Abad Santos Madrigal :: Private User :: Serge Osmeña :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Aquilino Pimentel Jr. :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Ralph Recto :: Bong Revilla :: Mar Roxas :: Manny Villar

14th Congress :: Senate :: Edgardo Angara :: Benigno Aquino III :: Joker Paz Arroyo :: Rodolfo Biazon :: Alan Peter Cayetano :: Pia Cayetano :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Chiz Escudero :: Jinggoy Estrada :: Richard Juico Gordon :: Private :: Panfilo Lacson :: Lito Lapid :: Loren Legarda :: Jamby Abad Santos Madrigal :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Aquilino Pimentel Jr. :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Bong Revilla :: Mar Roxas :: Antonio Trillanes IV :: Manny Villar :: Juan Miguel Zubiri

15th Congress :: Senate :: Edgardo Angara :: Joker Paz Arroyo :: Alan Peter Cayetano :: Pia Cayetano :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Franklin Drilon :: Chiz Escudero :: Jinggoy Estrada :: TG Guingona :: Private :: Panfilo Lacson :: Lito Lapid :: Loren Legarda :: Bongbong Marcos :: Serge Osmeña :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Koko Pimentel :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Ralph Recto :: Bong Revilla :: Tito Sotto :: Antonio Trillanes IV :: Manny Villar

16th Congress :: Senate :: Sonny Angara :: Bam Aquino :: Nancy Binay :: Alan Peter Cayetano :: Pia Cayetano :: Miriam Defensor Santiago :: Franklin Drilon :: JV Ejercito :: Chiz Escudero :: Jinggoy Estrada :: TG Guingona :: Private :: Lito Lapid :: Loren Legarda :: Bongbong Marcos :: Serge Osmeña :: Koko Pimentel :: Private User :: Juan Ponce-Enrile :: Ralph Recto :: Bong Revilla :: Tito Sotto :: Antonio Trillanes IV :: Cynthia Villar

17th Congress :: Senate :: Sonny Angara :: Bam Aquino :: Nancy Binay :: Alan Peter Cayetano :: Leila de Lima :: Franklin Drilon :: JV Ejercito :: Chiz Escudero :: Win Gatchalian :: Richard Juico Gordon :: Private :: Private :: Panfilo Lacson :: Loren Legarda :: Manny Pacquiao :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Koko Pimentel :: Private User :: Ralph Recto :: Tito Sotto :: Antonio Trillanes IV :: Cynthia Villar :: Juan Miguel Zubiri

18th Congress :: Senate :: Sonny Angara :: Nancy Binay :: Pia Cayetano :: Leila de Lima :: Ronald dela Rosa :: Franklin Drilon :: Win Gatchalian :: Bong Go :: Richard Juico Gordon :: Private :: Panfilo Lacson :: Lito Lapid :: Imee Marcos :: Manny Pacquiao :: Kiko Pangilinan :: Koko Pimentel :: Grace Poe :: Ralph Recto :: Bong Revilla :: Tito Sotto :: Francis Tolentino :: Joel Villanueva :: Cynthia Villar :: Juan Miguel Zubiri

19th Congress :: Senate :: Sonny Angara :: Nancy Binay :: Alan Peter Cayetano :: Pia Cayetano :: Ronald dela Rosa :: JV Ejercito :: Chiz Escudero :: Jinggoy Estrada :: Win Gatchalian :: Bong Go :: Private :: Lito Lapid :: Loren Legarda :: Imee Marcos :: Robin Padilla :: Koko Pimentel :: Grace Poe :: Bong Revilla :: Francis Tolentino :: Raffy Tulfo :: Joel Villanueva :: Cynthia Villar :: Mark Villar :: Juan Miguel Zubiri


  • "Congress of The Philippines." Wikipedia, 13 Sept 2017. Date accessed: 21 Dec 2017.