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About the Borno surname

According to popular taradition ,the name of Borno or Bornu kingdom derives from an Arabian
expression Bohr-Nuh,that means Sea of Noah ,that would have referred to the Lake Tchad
at which the place lies .

More likely ,it is in correlation with the name of Borneo ,in Indonesia,where the Kanuri and related
peoples of Bornu once might have emigrated from .
Kanuri may be a form of Ka(r)ngurri ,or of the ancient city of Ka(r)-Dun-Ngurra,known also as
Kar-Dunia ,and better as Babel,in what is now Iraq .
it was one of the main settlement of the ancient people of Kuengur ,called also Sumerians .
Kanuri language is indeed similar to Sumerian .

They appear to be a race of Kanguru peoples as well,and as such,may be descended from one of the
sons of Awa-Pat,son of Neg-Ha,survivor of the diluve in the 3rd millenium BC according to the Byble,
namely from the one called A-Wa-Yen-Na after whom aboriginal Ainu peoples in Japan and Sakhalin ,
believed to be of Australian origin .may be named .
He had two sons called respectively A1al-Awash-Sha-Ha and -A-Terra-Sha-Wash ,after whom their
first homeland after escaping the water ,the land of the Kanguru may be called Australia ,
that is A-Awash-Sha-Terra-A'al .

A third one was called Ad-Ayada-Nawam-Ma ,who may well be the ancestor of Nomad peoples of North-Africa ,
later called Numida ,with both ethnonyms being derived from his personal name ,that of their ancestor .
Thus,the Kanuri of Bornu and some tribes related to them may be the successors of the antique and
ancient Numida ,and are of the Kanguru race of Australia .
Their ancestors might have previously lived in Mesopotamia,and might have gone there from Australia via Borneo .

Numida kingdom was ruled in the 2nd century BC by Masinissa ,whose name can be derived from a
Samskrt language expression : Mahá-Sing-Nihsaha ,that approxiamtely means Tired Big Horn .
This may be a description of a rhinoceros .
In the Kanem kingdom ,the antecedent of Bornu ,there was the king called Bikoru ruling from about 174 to
156 BC ,that corresponds to the dates 1175 and 1193 according to the European aera ,system of counting
years ,of beginning in 1349 BC .
His name in turn may be derived from an English word sounding Big-Horn-Woe ,that is the approximate
translation of Masinissa's name .So it is very likely ,they are the same person .

This name also equates that of Roca Titu ( Roka Didu ) of Peru ,ruling at the same time ,until about 1238
according to the Spanish aera of beginning in 1387 BC .It is in turn a variation of a Georgian Rka Didi and
of a Prussian Ragas Didis ,both of the same meaning as Big-Horn .
He may hence also be identical with Prusias ( Peru-Siwa ) of Bithynia,called Pushya-Mitra in India,
as founder of Shunga dynasty there .
He might have been Hannibal's son and he must have been the first man of the race of Rhinoceros
and hence the ancestor of later high royal nobility all over the world of the same spiritual nature .
Rhinoceros would sound ,literally translated ,Ashk-Enazer in the Berber language of North Africa .

Bikoru was succeeded by Salemaa ,whose name is a variant of Samaale applied by Somalians to
Osmaan,who was called Osmo Kaleva by Suomalainen people and Kale-'Aba by Arabians using
the Persian aera of begin in 546 BC .
He is identical with Mithrtidat ,king of Parthia until about 94 BC,called Mari Dyatta in Son-Mali .
He had an uncle also with the name Mithridat ,likely identical with Agni-Mitra of Shunga ,
who may be identical with Salemaa of Kanem .He in turn ruled until about 138 BC .

Thus Bornu kingdom might have principally named after Borneo,a previous home of Kanuri peoples,
and then partially after Big-Horn-Woe,how North African Englishmen might have called Masinissa ,
the generic ancestor of Rhinoceros nobility on the surface of the Globe.
His anme might have sounded like By'-Hor(n)-Woo and this was transformed into Borno too.

See Neugeboren,Schuster,Ghadamsi,Edelsztajn,Schillinger,Edlstein,Cali,Magyary,Magyari,Mocsinka,
Krainer,Tama,Arna,Dárdai and others !

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