There are already 53 users and 1,979 genealogy profiles with the Clouse surname on Geni. Explore Clouse genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Jan. 26, 1907 Death: Dec. 26, 2002(January 26, 1907 - December 26, 2002)Cookeville, Tennessee -- Services for Beulah Clouse Henry, age 95, of Cookeville, Tennessee will be conducted on Monday,...
Birth: May 13, 1839 Putnam County Tennessee, USA Death: Aug. 6, 1918 Putnam County Tennessee, USAAge 79 yearsCensus records indicate that there was a son Isaac born in Aug. 1883.Name: Una Clouse Deat...
Not the same as George Washington Clous, Jr. change:Would you consider deleting the info from Pat Franklin's book, as the info on this George Clouse is not accurate? The 1830 census for Marion Co, TN, ...
Don clouse, ronnie clouse, jeremy clouse, mae clouse
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