Surnames » Colom » Documents

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Cristovão Colombo, português ou Salvador Fernandes Zarco

Resultados de uma investigação sobre Cristovão Colombo. Carlos Fontes. in,

People: Christopher Columbus Descendants of Christopher Columbus

The Descendants of Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Seas Compiled by John D. Inclan http://www.somosprimos...

People: Christopher Columbus

Schokolade & Kakao: Christoph Kolumbus - Lebenslauf

Lebenslauf von Christoph Kolumbus und seine Bedeutung für die Geschichte von Kakao und Schokolade.

People: Christopher Columbus

Could Christopher Columbus have Lithuanian ancestry?

Historian Manuel Rosa’s Lecture: "The Secret Identity of Columbus: Peasant to Viceroy in 33 days" Rosa will be acco...

People: Christopher Columbus and Władysław Jagiełło, King of Poland

Columbus Manuscript

November 20, 1493

In this manuscript, enscribed Cadiz, Spain, November 20, 1493, Christopher Columbus describes the new lands he has di...

People: Christopher Columbus

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