Surnames » Franco » Documents

All documents associated with this surname

gedcom myheritage 1203 persone.ged

People: Private User, Private, Cosimo Giuseppe Gravina and 58 others.


People: Paride Roggio, Private, Salvatore SCAVONE and 78 others.


People: Private User, Private, Jean-Baptiste Adolfe ALLOUCHERY and 149 others.

Albero genealogico Lops.ged

People: Private User, Vincenzo Quagliarella, Nicola Fortunato and 122 others.


People: Hugues FARINACCI, Private, Private and 215 others.


People: Private User, Francesco Mantione, Antonino Guttilla and 63 others.

1950 U.S. Census Paul and Margaret Shelsky


Arlington, Middlesex County, MA, United States

People: Margaret E. Shelsky and Paul Francis Shelsky

Nilo Family Project.ged

People: Joseph Michael Nilo, Private, Chiara Dell'Ina and 1975 others.

Hayward_ Provost _ Chambers_ S.ged

People: Private User, Private, Private and 28 others.


December 6, 1972

Lima, Peru

People: Moisés Franco

Fallecimiento I

December 6, 1972

Lima, Peru

People: Moisés Franco


December 6, 1972

Lima, Peru

People: Moisés Franco

Os Francos da Vermoeira | Forum |

Todas as salas ArquivosBibliografiaBrasilCargosDireitoEventosFamíliasFormaçãoGenéticaHeráldicaHispâniaInformáticaPatr...

People: Domingos Franco

Colin Packard family tree.ged

People: Colin Michael Packard, Private, Private and 9 others.

1-30 of 221 documents