Sallé Dominique_20-02-2024.ged
People: Private User, Pierre "François" BAVAY, Louis Étienne BIGARD and 191 others.
People: Quentin etienne raymond Piveteau, auguste emile chaussin, Léonilde Marie carpani and 404 others.
People: Robert Alexandre VOGLEVETTE, Private, Marie Anne COLIN and 338 others.
Famille Martel Lemcke-15.ged
People: Céline Martel, Louis Joseph Alfred Marye, Horthense Chanhomme and 456 others.
H 21-Luc Würzberger-Familie komplett 012021Kopie_export_export.ged
People: Dipl.-Ing Lutz Andreas Würzberger, Private, Franz Eduard BRAUNSCHWEIGER and 1278 others.
Ancestry Family Trees
People: Ambrose Paillet, Valentine Aimee Lastrapes, Peggy Valentine Paillet and 233 others.
Baptism Records (10).jpg
People: Sara van Wyk, b7, Louis Fourie, SV/PROG, Suzanne Cordier, SM and 36 others.
Devès - Delaunay_export.ged
People: Philippe Devès, Private, Louis Devès and 111 others.
DAUCHEZ Pascal (°1959) 2020-11-30.ged
People: Pascal DAUCHEZ, Véronique Madeleine Christiane Vergeot, Private and 3038 others.
Ancestry Family Trees
People: Rose Anna Dumais, Achille Camille Dumais, Noella Legere and 387 others.
People: Anna Sinkovska, Private, Private and 11 others.
People: Johannes Petrus Victor, b1c4d2e3f4g2, Anne Prévost, Carel Schalk van der Merwe, b2c16 and 1 other.