Island / Iceland between Grönland and Scandinavia might have been given the name of Haisla tribe of Wakesh people ,who may of part be of Keshwa origin and may have roots in the Andes : Isla-Ha-And .
In general ,they may also be descended from Manu's son or grandson Vikukshi ( Vik-Wakeshi ) , who may also be the ancestor of Vikings ,and of Vikyi people among Matacos . Manu in the Indian tradition is Aban-Nawa-Man-Na ,forefather of all Tu-Phoinikin tribes in the Holy Land of America ,historically attested as Bnón ,king of Auaris .
Wakash language though is often likened to Finnish ,so a big part of the people may be of Kashshu origin from Kar-Dunia ,that is Karkhédón ,and may be descendants of Ganda ,one of Manu's older brothers . Ganda's son was Sha-ya-Nawa ,whose name might have been given to Scandinavia ,as Sha-Ganda-ya-Nawa , and Wakashes intermixed with Vikings together with Finns may just be descended from him . Aht tribe among Waksahes could be regarded as the tribe of Ahti in Finnland ,while Mountain one,now of Dene language ,as that of Untamo .
Inhabitants of Föroy may have similar Phoinikian Viking origin . This island might be named after Phérai ( Fayawarawi ) in Hellás ,founded by Pháris son of Hermés by a daughter of Danaos ,so its colonizers might first of all be of Dane and Hermion tribe . Pharis' grandson by his daughter married to Alpheios was Ortilokhos ,whose name : Or-Attila-Wak'sh , also suggests Wakash ethnicity . His granddaughter was married to Makhaón ( Maakaha-Awoon ) ,who may be the ancestor of Makah' tribe among the Wakash ,son of Asklépios son of Apollón .
Wuikyla tribe may be descended from Eykleidés ( E-Wuik-Le-Wid-A ) or from Eyklus ( E-Wuike-La-Wa ) .
These tribes had been there in the Indias ,and leaved for the Holy Land of America in about 1706 BC ,where their descendants have been brought to exile centuries passed into Europe from , and seemingly some of them were trying all the time to get back to the promised land of Youth ,and this has been the main motivation of Eurasian history ever since .
See Heisler,Nowotka,Baksi,Baksy,Mountain,Viking,Kölpényi,Chudov,Chudin,Suomi,Suomalainen,Kaleva,Vepsa, Schillinger,Matko,Mataco,Nakhchevan,Eriksson,Hansen,Normann,Waldner,Schwed,Cakovski and more !
Balázs Déri