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About the Killi surname

Karankawa people called also Kele or Killi may partly be descended from Kele(os) ,king of Eleysis , brother of Dysaylés and father of Triptolemos ,whose son Gordys moved from Argos into Média and likely became the ancestor of Dygor people there around and in Sarmatia ,founded by Méds . Although there are other reports stating his father was Dysaylés or Rharos or Ókeanos .

Keleos' daughter Saisara was married to Krokón ,who went to live in the shores of a water called Rheitos . This might also be the place Rhait people in the country named after Saisara ( Sawisara ) might have come from . Krokón ( Kara-Wa-Ka-Wa-Wan ) himself ,of unknown ancestry by the way ,might have borrowed his name to Karavanka mountains in Slovenia / Austria ,and he may be the ancestor of som Karankawa people ,called also Kronk . Perhaps he descended from Kronos .

Inhabitants of the region of Karavanka ( Kara-Wa-Anka ) thus may be the successors of exiled members of Karankawa ( Kara-Anka-Wa ) tribe from the Holy Land of America .

See Karanka,Kele,Anka,Kron,Karner,Carniola,Wendi,Krajner,Krajnjak,Salvendi,Böröndi,Chudin,Toscanini, Anarcsy,Romano,Csintalan,Jászi and others !

Balázs Déri