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Knappe Genealogy and Knappe Family History Information

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  • Bridgett Knappe, 1st wife (c.1535 - 1565)
  • Jyllian Jane (Childs) Knapp (1472 - 1552)
    . [KNAP571] William Knapp, as it is supposed, was married to Jilian, and they probably had only one child: * 12. [KNAP581] Robert, see later. William, as it is supposed, died and afterwards Jilian marr...
  • John Knappe (c.1530 - d.)
    the elder (1530), married Joan. (Although John was a beneficiary in Gelyan's will, his share was small. He also figured in Robert's will, see later. However he does not appear in the Pedigree listing, ...
  • Richard Knöpf Knappe (1450 - 1527)
    The info on this guy is all over the place....myheritage family tree lists his birth date as circa 1450 and death date as 1527. Lists his father as John Knappe, mother as Johanne Christiane Regine Karo...
  • Robert Knappe (1560 - 1619)

About the Knappe surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Knappe surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Knappe surname.

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