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  • Pisay Pao
    Pisay Pao (born November 1, 1984) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Cassandra in the Syfy series Z Nation.
  • Siim Pao (1845 - 1923)
    Rüü Siim oli üks esimestestest esimese põlvkonna kaptenitest, kes oli õppinud merekoolis (Paldiskis, 1876-1877). Algkapitali kogus ta tursalaevadel, seilates Murmanski ja Peterburi vahel. Hiljem sai te...
  • (No Name) (deceased)
  • 1 Ats/Ads (Pao) (deceased)
    seos? [Pao Ado Jaan] Anno Sahk
  • Aad Pao (1811 - d.)
    abielu *PR 1844 Saaga EAA.1293.1.291:71?185,352,80,44,0

About the Pao surname

Inhabitants of the village of Pao in Venezuela believed to be related to Otomaco and Taparita
tribes in the vicinity of river Arauca ,may be descended from Paao ,a chief priest or Kahuna / Tahunga
of Hawai'i in the so callled 13th century ,who also acted in relations with Tahiti .

As it is said ,he was the one who invited from the latter a member of Ulu family of Tahiti ,
to become the king of Hawai'i ,and so his children and further generations .
Ulu family might have been descended from Ulu-Masui ,son of Atongie ,king of Samoa ,
who may be identical with Wong-Ate-Leng ,king of Yawa,son of Ken Arok ,who in turn appears
to be Te Uruaki Kena or Hunac Ceel or Roca Didu called so in different local languages of
countries he ruled in : in Rapanui,Guatemala and Peru .

Ul-Umasui might have ruled in Umasuiu of Peru too,called there Manco Capac Inca or Chimor
Capac Taycanamu .
Somalian tradition calles him Samaale Osmaan ,while that of Suomi ,also from Suyu-Omo ,
Kaleva Osmo of Suomala .
In the first ,Samaale is given several sons ,among whom Makare may be the one in closer link

with these events ,and the forefather of Oto-Make chiefs .

Osmaan may alternatively be called Ottoman ,so Otomak may also be Ottoman-Waaq ,the "God Osmaan" .
His descendeant was Rendille too ,ancestor of the people of the same name in Africa .
There are some similar words of their language and that of the Otomac,as well as of the
Araucanians of chile .
For example INDO means both in Rendille and Otomacoan 'eye' ,while FÖRO hand and KUR mountain i
n Africa corresponds to FORO bone and KURRA stone in Chile .

Manco Capac founded the Chima Panaca clan,that may in fact be Che-Mapu-Inaka ,the Mapuche Inka .
There are some similar expression ,of course,in regard of Otomacoan spoken at Arauca river
and Mapuche too :
PIU breast PIUKE heart,VURU knee FORO bone AEM body AM / EM soul ,N(G)UA sun NGE-WA eye-maize
(yellow light) - similarly in Chontal of Oaxaca - ,ENGA one ENGU together ,DE two DOY more ,
and may be some others .

The people of Hawai'i or Aloha State in general ,of origin from Tahiti ,may be descended from
A'alawa-Ha from the tribe of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,called Manu by Indians ,ancestor of Abo
people too ,living in the center of the Holy Land of America ,where a Tapu of Io was localted at a place called Hawaiki .
This might be near to where nowadays Tapuyo and Waika peoples live .
His particualr descendants though may be tribes called Hiwi ,who may closerly be related to
those called Kiwi in New-Zealand ,and Hitnü ,that is Hit-Ta-Nui ,what would now be said Tahiti Nui .
Waibo tribe might have once occupied the Waipo-Unamu ,while Macawane the Ikanamawi .

See Makedon,Arauco,Járóka,Chango,Puj,Kombo,Makarenkov,Makarenko,Cocom,Randall,Edirne,Krammer,
Warszawski,Aranda,Kajdacsi,Pakistani,Majsay,Majsai,Kolos,Kolosy,Kolosi and others !

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