Surnames » קרא » Profiles

R' Avigdor Karo, A.B.D. Leslau and Pinsk MP (b. - bef.1824)

Famous controversial opponent of Chasidism and their leaders, in particular Admor Shneur Zalman of Liadi Boruchovitch . This led to the latter's imprisonment. A strong proponent of the ban against Chas...

R' Avigdor Karo, of Vienna, ABD Stary Konstantin and Glogau MP (c.1600 - 1678)

The Daughter of Rabbi Akiva is not the spouse of R' Avigdor Karo, of Vienna, ABD Stary Konstantin and Glogau , instead she may be the spouse of his grandfather: Avigdor , Requires CURATOR to fix due to...

Rabbi Avigdor Kra MP (c.1369 - 1439)

Source: The Loebtree on Wiki. No additional sources there. Seems another Avigdor Kara, NOT the Rabbi Avigdor Kara, cousin of the Maharal

Rabbi Chaim Lebendiker MP (1765 - 1834)

See this Hebrew blog for the source that R' Avigdor Karo, A.B.D. Leslau and Pinsk had a son called Chaim. Note, there is no conclusive evidence to prove this.Chaim the son of Avigdor of Pinsk authored ...

dau.Kaloniumus Hazaken Kara (ben Yitzhak II) MP (deceased)

R' Joseph Chajim (Heimann) Caro, A.B.D Wloclawek MP (1800 - 1895)

Author of Minchas Shabbos מנחת שבת , Kol Omer Koro קול אומר קרא , T'evach vehochein טבח והכן and Yoreh Umalkosh יורה ומלקוש .See: [ ][

Simcha Karo MP (b. - bef.1859)

Source===According to this article, the father of the grandfather of R' Simcha Judah Leib Israelit was R' Avigdor Karo, A.B.D. Leslau and Pinsk . R' Simcha Judah Leib Israelit 's father Avigdor Israel...

Rabbi Yehuda Kara ABD Glogau MP (1565 - c.1640)

Chief Rabbi of Glogau. Son-in-law of R. Avraham Chaim ABD Apta and Malka Issers. [ ] [ ]

Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Caro (Kara), ABD Glogau MP (c.1510 - d.)

There is confusion between two Yehuda Aryeh Leyb Caros: see: Jacobi Papers, Vol. 3, p. 109, 16.1, p. 110, 14.1, and p. 110, 12.1: then the spouses have to be rectified (01 SEP 2024) Chief Rabbi of Glo...

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Caro, A.B.D. of Lissa & Lunshitz (Lenczyca) MP (c.1687 - c.1800)

אבד"ק ליסא ולונטשיץ Originally named Chaim. 'Yosef' added when he was ill. Rabbi in Lenczyca Yosef Chaim Cara was Rabbi in Lissa (Leszno) and Lunshitz (Lenczyca), the great grandfather of the Zais Raan...

Rabbi Yosef Kara MP (deceased)

Rabbi Yossef Kara MP (c.1065 - c.1135)

בנו של ר' אביגדור קרא MP (c.1400 - d.)

הוא בנו של ר' אביגדור קרא,ונכדו של ר' בצלאל ליווא Rabbi Avigdor Kra

(No Name) (deceased)

? קרא (deceased)

? קרא (deceased)

? קרא (deceased)

? קרא (deceased)

? Caro (deceased)

Aron Kroh (1781 - 1809)

Aryeh Leib Karo, A.B.D. Kutno (deceased)

Darshan in Posen

Gaon Avigdor Karo (deceased)

מח"ס הפליאה-ענייני קבלה

Rabbi Avigdor (V) Karo, of Vienna (c.1480 - d.)

Descendant of Rabbi Avigdor Kra . IMPORTANT : R' Avigdor (V) Caro (Karo) of Vienna is NOT to be confused with his much earlier namesake R' Avigdor (III) Caro (Karo) of Prague , or the later R' Avigd...

Avraham Chaim Kra (1873 - d.)

Rabbi Avraham Caro ABD Prague (b. - 1542)

Chief Rabbi of Prague. Friend of R. Yossele of RosheimAccording to a genealogy published in Eil HaMilium (1845, Krotoszyn, ), Rabbi Avraham Karo Chief Rabbi of Prague was the son of Rabbi Avigdor Kra H...

Beila Karo (deceased)

Breindel Caro (Frankfurter) (aft.1550 - d.)

This marriage doesn't seem to work for the dates. Akiva Frankfurter-Gugenheim bca 1525 would have daughter no earlier than c 1540, while the spouse, Rabbi Avigdor (V) Karo, of Vienna , should be born a...

Rabbi Chaim Caro (1687 - 1753)

Rabbi in Poznan, Nikolsburg, and Berlin.

Chaim Caro (deceased)

Dober (Dov) Kra (b. - c.1866)

עלה לצפת בשנת 1855. נפטר בסביבות שנת 1866.

Rabbi Baer Caro (c.1700 - d.)

Rabbi in Glogau. Scion of the rabbinical Caro family of Glogau according to written testimony of R' Yitzchak Rappaport, ABD of Lissa and son of Rabbi Isaac Selig Caro ABD Hanover . Rabbi Baer lived in ...

Gaon Efraim Kara (deceased)

Eidel Karo (Teomim) (c.1620 - 1678)

The Unbroken Chain (1990), Neil Rosenstein, Chapter IV, G6.6, page 267Caution. May be a mistake. See Edel

Rabbi Eliezer Caro (Karo) (b. - 1811)

Rabbi and Talmudist in Eisenstadt where he taught Torah to the Jewish community. Studied under R' Yitzchak Rappaport, ABD of Lissa . Descendant of the rabbinical Caro family from Glogau.

Esther Karo (deceased)

Fanny (Fogele) Caro (Lewy) (1790 - 1853)

Feigel Caro (Miposen) (c.1670 - 1752)

Freida Israelit (Karo) (1812 - aft.1858)

Reference: MyHeritage Genealogy - SmartCopy : May 15 2022, 8:36:09 UTC

Freida Karo (deceased)

Gershon Caro (1794 - 1839)

Gittel Caro (Katz) (c.1687 - 1747)

Hannele Victor (Pollak) (c.1704 - d.)

Note: We have no proof that Hannele is the mother of Wicktor Kroh's children. We know that she was Victor's wife in 1724, and they were probably newly wed, because Victor settled in Teplitz on 1722, an...

Hindla Lebendiker (1768 - 1834)

Rabbi Isaac Kra, of Prague (c.1350 - 1389)

לפי נפתלי ווקשטיין according Naftaly vakshtein

Joachim Jakob Kroh (c.1737 - 1807)

Kroh Familiant: 92HBF X/VILitoměřickýTeplice (P) /I. část/; folio: 1 (49/75) Death Record: FÚ TEPLICE 893 Z 1783-1840 (8/46) (age 70) Joachim is the son of Viktor/Figder/Abigedor, as written in the ...

Joel Naftali Caro (1771 - 1837)

Joseph Haim Karo, A.B.D. Kalish, Kremzir (c.1700 - d.)

Lea Kra (1849 - d.)

Meir Karo (deceased)

Minna Caro (Itzig) (1770 - 1839)

Rabbi Naftali Caro of Glogau (1731 - 1795)

Rabbi and Talmudist in Glogau (Glogow) and later Breslau (Wroclaw). Scion of the famous rabbinical Caro family from Glogau according to the testimony of R' Yitzchak Rappaport, ABD of Lissa According ...

Naftali Kra (1848 - d.)

עלה לצפת בשנת תרי"ח (1858)

NN Karo (Loew) (c.1495 - d.)

Rachel Kroh (Zunz) (deceased)

In the Familiantenbücher the father of Elias Philipp Zunz and of Moises Zunz is called Feibus Zunz. Rachel Kroh, née Zunz from the Familiantenbuch is called Bella Feiwes in the marriage permit. Both th...

Rachel Kroh (Bloch) (deceased)

Rachel Kra (deceased)

Rachel Raisel Prost (Levi) ('Somplonia') (b. - 1893)

Rebeka Glaser (Kroh) (c.1731 - 1824)

Glaser Familiant: 92HBF X/VILitoměřickýTeplice (P) /I. část/; folio: 1 (24/75) Death record: TEPLICE 2094 Z 1820-1826 (9/17) 1793 census, a widdow: Rebeka Glaßerin (74) / Töplitz / in Töplitz ein T...

Rikel Karo (deceased)

Rivka Kra (1806 - d.)

Roesel Caro (Gershon) (1741 - bef.1803)

Shneor Feivish Kara (c.1580 - 1643)

Shneor Feivish Kara cannot be the son of Rabbi Avigdor Kra bca 1369, nor of Avigdor (IV) Kara, ABD Prague bca 1405 b. Yitzach (Jacobi Papers: p 108, 19.1, Vol. 3) too many years apart; nor of R' Avigdo...

Sheva Caro (Amsterdam) (1810 - 1894)

Gaon Shimon Kara (deceased)

שם המשפחה קרא:על שם שהיו בקיאים במקרא נינו של הגאון רבינו יוסף קרא,נינו של התנא הגדול רבי חנינא קרא,שהיה נינו של התנא הגדול רבי נחוניה בן הקנא בן צוף בן אפרתי ממשפחת רם. צאצא דוד המלך ע"ה

Shmuel Kra (deceased)

Rabbi Tzadok Caro (Kara) (deceased)

Wicktor Kroh (c.1689 - d.)

Wicktor Kroh is listed in the Scheuer familiant in Teplitz as Raphael Scheuer's father. Wicktor Kroh is also listed in the Kroh familiant in Teplitz as Joachim Kroh's father.

Wife of Yehuda Leibish of Nyasvizh Karo (deceased)

wife of Yosef Caro (deceased)

wife, Rabbi Efraim Kara (deceased)

Wife, Rabbi Yosef Kara (Lifshitz) (deceased)

wife, Yehuda (Yudel),Kra (deceased)

Jacobi Papers (Avotaynu, 2019): see document for volume and page citations.

wife, Yehuda Caro (Horowitz), of Glogau (c.1635 - d.)

************************** I believe that the correct father is Yosef HaLevi Horvits (see Jacobi in Sources), but I am leaving both fathers here for the profile managers to review. (19 AUG 2024)

Yaakov Samuel Kra-oz (Kraus) (1924 - 2015)

Rabbi Yitzhak? Karo (קרא) (c.1330 - 1389)

Yocheved Karo (deceased)

Rabbi Yosef Kara (deceased)

הערה: בספר "אלף מרגליות בסעיף:213 כתוב שנישא גם לאחות רבי יהודה ליוואי הזקן

Yosef Kara (c.1610 - d.)

Served as Chief Rabbi of 20 communities in Poland. אב"ד עשרים קהילות בפולין

Rabbi Yuda Kara (deceased)

Rabbi Zelig Caro (Kara) (deceased)

Dayan in Schrimm.

אביגדור קרא (deceased)

רב אביגדור Kara (b. - 1438)

לפי נפתלי ווקשטיין according Naftaly vakshtein

אביגדור מוהר"ר אביגדור קרא אב"ד רבן של אפטא קונסטנטין וגלוגאו (deceased)

אליעזר קרא (deceased)

מתוך ספר היחס של משפחת קרא

אמנון קרא (deceased)

אפרים Kara (deceased)

אביו של: הג"ר יוסף בספרד: בנו: אבי הג"ר אפרים, בנו: הג"ר יוסף קארו,מח"ס "בעל בית יוסף על שו"ע"

אשת ר' יוסף קרא (בת קלונימוס הזקן) (deceased)

The Daughter of Rabbi Akiva (c.1555 - d.)

The Daughter of Rabbi Akiva is not the spouse of R' Avigdor Karo, of Vienna, ABD Stary Konstantin and Glogau , if anything she is the spouse of Avigdor , Requires CURATOR to fix due to locked profiles ...

הגבירה מרת איידל קרא (deceased)

זיוה קרא (deceased)

חלבו קרא (b. - bef.1100)

יהודה לייב מאור-קטן (deceased)

יהודה אריה לייב קרא (deceased)

is father in law of Rabbi Moses Lipschitz "Lechem Mishne" : Jacobi Papers: Vol. 3, p. 110, 15.5 and 15.5m (17 AUG 2024)

יהודה יודל קרא (deceased)

יהודה (יידל) קרא (deceased)

אלף מרגליות,ערך 214

יונה תאומים (deceased)

יוסף קרא (deceased)

יוסף קרא (deceased)

יוסף קרא (deceased)

יוסף קרא (deceased)