Surnames » d'Altavilla » Profiles

... de Hauteville, of Sicily MP (deceased)

- . daughter . The Annals of Romoald refer to the wife of "Henricus naturalis frater regine [Sicili%C3%A6]" as "unam de filiabus regis Rogerii"[547]. m (1167) don RODRIGO Garcés de Navarra, illegitimat...

... ... MP (deceased)

Adela of Flanders MP (aft.1064 - 1115)

- the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Flanders and Hainaut: de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1035]-13 Oct 109...

Adelaide del Vasto, Queen consort of Jerusalem MP (1074 - 1118)

- - (short) - (full) b) ADELAIDA del Vasto ([1072]-Palermo 16 Apr 1118, bur Patti, Convent of San Salvatore). Her origin is confirmed by Malaterra who records the marriage of "comes Rogerus" and "Ade...

Adelisa d'Altavilla MP (b. - bef.1096)

Alberada of Hauteville (of Buonalbergo) MP (c.1033 - 1122)

- - - 2. ALBERADA ([1032]-after 1058). Amatus records that "Gerard who was called Buonalbergo" came to Robert "Guiscard" who was visiting his brother in Apulia, proposed his marriage to "my aunt...

Alix de Rethel, Regent of Antioch MP (c.1110 - 1131)

Wikipedia: Alice of Antioch From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation, searchAlice of Jerusalem (also Haalis, Halis, or Adelicia) was Princess of Antioch through her marriage to Bohemund...

Béatrix de Rethel, Queen Consort of Sicily MP (c.1131 - c.1185)

Beatrix (d. 1160), married Ithier, Count of Rethel (d. 1171). Detlev Schwennicke: Europäische Stammtafeln, vol. VII, 1979, table 68* of Rethel From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBeatrix of Rethel (b....

Bohemond II of Antioch MP (1108 - 1130)

II (1108 – 1131) was the Prince of Taranto and Prince of Antioch from 1111. He was the son of the founder of the principalities, Bohemond I, and Constance, daughter of Philip I of France. Taranto was l...

Constance of France, regent of Antioch MP (c.1078 - 1126)

Constance of France (1078 – 14 September 1125) was Countess of Troyes from her first marriage and Princess of Antioch from her second marriage. She was regent during the minority of her son. Consta...

Constance of Antioch MP (c.1127 - 1164)

of Antioch, daughter of BOHEMOND II Prince of Antioch & his wife Alix of Jerusalem ([1127]-[1163/67], bur St Mary, Josaphat). Her name and parentage are recorded by William of Tyre[123]. The Lignages d...

Constance I, Queen of Sicily MP (1154 - 1198)

Constance (1154 – 27 November 1198) was the heiress of the Norman kings of Sicily and the wife of Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor. She was Queen of Sicily in 1194-1198, jointly with her husband fro...

Costanza di Lorena (de Hauteville) MP (1082 - aft.1135)

Costanza di Sicilia===Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando la nipote, regina di Sicilia, imperatrice moglie di Enrico VI di Svevia e madre di Federico II di Svevia, v...

Drogo of Hauteville, count of Apulia MP (c.1010 - 1051)

- . DROGO de Hauteville ([1010/20]-murdered Castle of Monte Ilaro 10 Aug 1051, bur Venosa, Monastery of Santissima Trinità). of Hauteville[1] (c.1010 – 10 August 1051) succeeded his brother, William Ir...

Élisabeth de Champagne (Isabelle de Blois) MP (1130 - 1180)

- 4. ISABELLE de Blois (1130-13 Aug after 1168). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to, but does not name, the third of the six daughters of "comes Campanie Theobaldus" as "quedam duc...

Elvira Alfónsez, infanta de Castilla y León MP (c.1100 - 1135)

- of Castile (c. 1100 – 8 February 1135) was a daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile by his fourth queen, Isabel (perhaps identical to the Moslem convert Zaida, baptized as Isabel, who had been Alfonso's m...

Emma De Hauteville MP (1063 - 1124)

- of Sicily From Medlands: [1063]-after Aug 1119). Malaterra names "filiam eius…Emmam…de prima uxore Judicta" when recording that her father arranged her marriage to Philippe I King of France, in retur...

Licensed by Sailko under CCA-SA 3.0

Eremburge de Mortain MP (1060 - c.1087)

- 5. EREMBURGE de Mortain (-[1087]). Malaterra records the death of "Eremburga filia Gulielmi comitis Mortonensis" wife of "comes Rogerius", dating the event to 1089[1047]. m ([1077]%29 as his second ...

Felicia of Sicily "Busilla" queen consort MP (c.1078 - c.1102)

- Felicia of Sicily (c. 1078 – c. 1102) is a name that is used for one Queen consort of Hungary.She was the eldest daughter of Count Roger I of Sicily and his second wife, Eremburga of Mortain. She is ...

Flandrina de Hauteville, countess of Paternò & Butera MP (b. - bef.1143)

- Figlia secondogenita del Gran Conte Ruggero e della di lui prima moglie Giuditta d'Evreux, ricevette in dote dal padre le contee di Paternò e Butera [1].Fu sposata in prime nozze al cavaliere norman...

Fressenda de Hauteville (de Normandie) MP (995 - 1058)

Fressenda, wife of Tancred de Hauteville. Parents unknown. NB: the historian "Szabolcs de Vajay" list Fressende as the daughter of Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy . There is NO evidence that he...

Fressenda Countess of Aversa and Princess of Capua (de Hauteville) MP (1030 - 1117)

Geoffrey "il Leproso" de Hauteville, count of Ragusa MP (b. - bef.1120)

- . GODEFROI "il Leproso" of Sicily (-[1096/1120]). *Malaterra names "duobus filiis suis [Rogerii comitis Siciliæ] Gaufredo et Jordano" when recording their betrothals, states that Godefroi died before...

Geoffroy of Hauteville, count of Loritello MP (c.1018 - 1063)

Geoffrey of Hauteville (also Gottfried, Godfrey, Goffredo , or Gaufrido ; about 1020-1071) was a Norman military leader, the second youngest son of Tancred of Hauteville by his first wife Muriella....

Giuseppe Capone di Altavilla MP (1793 - 1893)

Giuseppe Capone nobile di Altavilla (Arpaise, 7 luglio 1793 – Napoli, 22 gennaio 1893) è stato un imprenditore e politico italiano. Fu uno dei primi nobili napoletani nominati nel 1861 senatore del R...

Guillaume de Hauteville, "Sanicandro" count of the Principate MP (1027 - 1080)

- . GUILLAUME de Hauteville "Sanicandro" (-1080). Malaterra names "…tertius Willelmus…" third among the sons of Tancred & his second wife[255]. The Annals of Romoald name "Wilhelmus de Sancto Nicandro"...

Humphrey of Hauteville MP (aft.1015 - 1057)

- . ONFROI de Hauteville ([1015/20]-spring 1057, bur Monastery of Santissima Trinità, Venosa). /!\ Humphrey of Hauteville[1] (c. 1010 – August 1057), surnamed Abagelard, was the Count of Apulia and Cal...

Irini Maria Angelina MP (aft.1172 - 1208)

Irene AngelinaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAngelina (1181 – 1208) was the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos by his first wife Herina Tornikaina. Her paternal grandparents were ...

Joan Plantagenet of England, Queen of Sicily MP (1165 - 1199)

of England (October 1165 – 4 September 1199) was the seventh child of Henry II of England and his queen consort, Eleanor of Aquitaine.[1]Joan was born at Château d'Angers in Anjou, and spent her youth ...

Jordan de Hauteville, of Sicily MP (c.1060 - 1092)


Judith d'Évreux, dame de Saint-Cénéri MP (aft.1040 - c.1076)

Normandy Nobility ( 21 Nov 2021 ) Alençon, Évreux, Meulan, Perche 3. GUILLAUME d'Evreux. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “ Richardus Ebroicensis comes...Willelmus...frater eius” married “Hadevisa...

Mabel Hauteville MP (c.1065 - d.)

- Robert "Guiscard" & his second wife had eleven children 5. MABEL of Apulia . Orderic Vitalis records that “Rogerus...Crumena id est bursa [dux] Calabriæ” arranged the marriage of “Mabiliam sorore...

Bohemond I of Antioch MP (1052 - 1111)

Bohemond I of Antioch (c. 1054 – 3 March 1111), also known as Bohemond of Taranto , was the Prince of Taranto from 1089 to 1111 and the Prince of Antioch from 1098 to 1111.[1] He was a leader of th...

Margherita di Navarra, regina consorte di Sicilia MP (b. - 1182)

Margarita de Navarrade Navarra (1128 – 1183) fue reina consorte del Reino de Sicilia durante el reinado de Guillermo I (1154–1166) y la regente durante la minoría de edad del hijo de ambos, Guillermo I...

Maria Komnena MP (1152 - 1182)

- éza I King of Hungary (1074-77); *1044/5, +25.4.1077; 1m: ca 1062 Sophie von Looz (+ca 1065); 2m: 1065-74 Synadena (+after 1077), dau.of Theodulus Synadenos and niece of Emperor Nikophorus III of Byz...

Mathilde II MP (b. - bef.1147)

..In 1095, Guigues contracted an exemplary marriage with the high-born Matilda , *long thought to be the daughter of Edgar, Uncrowned King of England , *but now thought more likely to have been a daugh...

Maud of Apulia MP (1059 - aft.1112)

WIKI: - (IT) Matilde d'Altavilla - (ES) Mafalda de Apulia - (FR) Mahaut de Pouille - (EN) Maud of Apulia Matilde , in Catalonia called Mafalda (Mahalta)[1]. Mafalda in catalan, spanish, aragone...

Mathilde (I) de Sicile MP (1062 - c.1094)

- of Sicily From Medlands:- 2. MATHILDE of Sicily (1062-before 1094). Malaterra records the marriage of "Raimundus comes Provinciarum" and "Matildem filiam suam [Rogerii Siculorum comitis]…de prima ux...

Mauger de Hauteville, Count of the Capitanate MP (1025 - 1064)

Wikipedia: of HautevilleFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:navigation, searchMauger of Hauteville (also Latin Malgerius or Italian Maugerio) was a younger (probably the second) son of Tancred...

Mauger of Hauteville, Count of Troina MP (c.1080 - aft.1098)

- il terzo figlio maschio e probabilmente il primo figlio maschio legittimo, del re Ruggero I di Sicilia e della sua seconda moglie Eremburga di Mortain[1]. Suo padre lo creò Conte di Troina, ma poco a...

Muriella de Normandie MP (c.966 - 1020)

/!\ - 6.1. Tancred Guiscard De HAUTEVILLE Tancred de Hauteville (Seigneur de Hauteville) ... = 1°) Fresende de Normandy (Princess of Normandy) figlia di Richard I de Normandy ('the Fearless') (3rd...

N.N. MP (deceased)

Robert de Hauteville, Scalione MP (c.1068 - 1110)

- Robert "Guiscard" & his second wife had eleven children- 7. ROBERT of Apulia (-after May 1103). The Annals of Romoald name (in order) "Rogerium et Robbertum atque Guidonem" as the three sons of Robe...

Merry-Joseph Blondel 1781-1853

Robert "Guiscard" of Hauteville, duke of Apulia & Calabria MP (c.1015 - 1085)

went on to become Count of Apulia and Calabria (1057–1059), and then Duke of Apulia and Calabria and lord of Sicily (1059–1085), and briefly Prince of Benevento (1078–1081) before returning...

Roger III de Hauteville, of Sicily MP (1175 - 1193)

- He married his 11-year-old wife in 1192 and he died a year later at 18. Widow and titles reassigned. No trace, in any language, of descent, nor did it end up proliferating in England.

Roger III de Hauteville, duke of Apulia MP (1118 - 1148)

(13 languages) Roger III (1118 – 2 or 12 May 1148) was the eldest son of King Roger II of Sicily and Elvira of Castile.[1] He was the Duke of Apulia from 1134 until his death. .. ...

Roger II of Sicily MP (1095 - 1154)

- ...iniziò a regnare nel 1112. È suo merito l'aver accorpato sotto un unico regno tutte le conquiste normanne dell'Italia meridionale e di aver organizzato un governo efficiente, personalizzato e cent...

Roger I of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily MP (c.1031 - 1101)

Roger I "Bosso" of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily - (multilingual snoop) - (short) - - 16. ROGER de Hauteville ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). Malater...

Ruggero "Borsa" d'Altavilla, duca di Puglia MP (c.1060 - 1111)

- of Apulia, son of ROBERT "Guiscard/Weasel" de Hauteville Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita of Salerno ([1060/61]-22 Feb 1111, bur Salerno San Mateo). The Annals of Romoald name (in order) ...

Sibylle de Bourgogne MP (c.1126 - 1150)

Sibylle of Sicily MP (deceased)

- Count Roger & his second wife had nine children:13. [SIBYLLE] of Sicily. Orderic Vitalis records that Adelaida, widow of Roger I Count of Sicily, arranged the marriage of "her daughter" (unnamed) to ...

Princess Sikelgaita of Salerno MP (c.1030 - 1090)

(abt 1040) (1031) (eng1040, ita1036, fra1041) Sikelgaita (also Sichelgaita or Sigelgaita) (1040 – 16 April 1090) was a Lombard princess, the daughter of Guaimar IV, Prince of Salerno, and secon...

Simone d'Altavilla, principe di Taranto MP (deceased)

- an unsourced connection line to verify: Simone d'Altavilla, principe di Taranto ? ? Sancia di Altavilla, ? ? {husbandless} (source PLZ) ? ? Luigi De Capoa (Episcopis), ? ? (source PLZ) ...

Simon de Hauteville, Gran Conte di Sicilia MP (1093 - 1105)


Sybille de Hauteville, de Apulia MP (b. - 1092)

Robert "Guiscard" & his second wife had eleven children - 9. SIBYLLE of Apulia . The Alexeiad records that Robert "Guiscard" married "the other [daughter] to Eubulus who was himself a count of great...

Tancred Guiscard, seigneur de Hauteville MP (aft.980 - c.1041)

- de Hauteville was an eleventh-century Norman petty lord about whom little is known. His historical importance comes entirely from the accomplishments of his sons and later descendants. He was a minor...

William of Hauteville, Iron-Arm MP (bef.1010 - 1046)

- . GUILLAUME de Hauteville "Bras de Fer" ([1010/20]-[May/Sep] 1046, bur Venosa, Monastery of Santissima Trinità) ... ... ...

William I Hauteville, "the Bad" king of Sicily MP (aft.1120 - 1166)

- I (1131 – May 7, 1166), called the Bad or the Wicked, was the second King of Sicily, ruling from his father's death in 1154 to his own in 1166. He was the fourth son of Roger II and Elvira of Castile...

William II Hauteville, "the Good" king of Sicily MP (1153 - 1189)

- II of Sicily (1155 – 11 November 1189), called the Good, was king of Sicily from 1166 to 1189. William was only eleven years old at the death of his father William I, when he was placed under the reg...

William II Hauteville, 3°duke of Apulia MP (aft.1095 - 1127)

- *no son from Italian sources - II (1095 – July 1127) was the Duke of Apulia and Calabria from 1111 to 1127. He was the son and successor of Roger Borsa. His mother, Adela of Flanders, had previously ...

(No Name) (deceased)

princess di Marsico (deceased)

(No Name) (deceased)

... de Hauteville, of Sicily (deceased)

- . daughter . Hugo Falcandus records that "Matthew [Bonellus] was captivated by the beauty of an illegitimate daughter of King Roger who had been married to Hugh Count of Molise"[550]. As this is prob...

... di Molise (deceased)

- ) [ --- di Molise . The Ignoti Monachi Chronica records that in 1141 King Roger married "sororem comitis Ugonis de Molisio" by whom he had "filium Symonem, quem constituit principem Capue"[840]. Houb...

... Hauteville (del Vasto), di Savona (bef.1070 - d.)

... del Vasto, di Savona (deceased)

.... of Hauteville (....), norman (deceased)

.... of Hauteville (of Pirou) (deceased)

.... Hauteville, of the Principate (deceased)

- . daughter . Malaterra refers to the betrothal of "dux…neptem" (referring to a Venetian named Dominico) and "filiam fratris sui Guilielmi Principatus comitis" at the time of the siege of Durazzo, dat...

Abd'Allah Bin MUHAMMAD, Émir de Sicile et de Malte , Des Banu Kalb (deceased)

'Abd Allah Ier (Emir) de CORDOBA (842 - 912)

Calife de Damas Abd Al-malik ibn Marwan Des Ommeyades (c.640 - 705)

‘Abd ar-rahman Ier Al-Dakhhil des Ommeyades de Damas De cordoba (c.731 - c.788)

Emir Abd ar-Rhaman II Al-Mutawassit De cordoba (c.792 - c.852)

Abelard of Hauteville (1044 - aft.1082)

- /!\ [ENG-ITA mother conflict] - ) ABELARD (-Constantinople after 1082). The Gesta Roberti Wiscardi names (in order) "Gosfridus, Gocelinus, Abagelardus" as sons of "Unfredi"[217]. Guillaume of Jumiège...

Abu L'FUTUH YUSAF, Émir de Sicile et de Malte , Des Banu Kalb (deceased)

Adelisa of Loreto (de Hauteville), of Sicily (c.1126 - bef.1187)

- . ADELISA of Sicily (-after [1184/87]). Chalandon states that Adelisa, daughter of King Roger II, married "Jocelin comte de Loreto"[551]. It is unlikely that Adelisa was the king´s daughter by his fi...

Airolda de Hauteville (deceased)

una delle cinque mogli ripudiate da Re Ruggero

A'Isha Bint 'Uthman, Des Ommeyades (deceased)

Alberada of Lecce (deceased)

- ) ALBERADA di Lecce . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. *m GUILLAUME Conte di Gesualdo e Lucera, illegitimate son of ROGER "Borsa/the Purse" Du...

Albereda de Clermont, signora di Colobraro e Policoro (b. - bef.1125)

Capostipite fu Ugo (I) ricordato per l'ultima volta nel 1102; egli sposò Gimarga ed ebbe un figlio di nome Ruggero (morto nel 1088) e due figlie Avernia e Alberada , (il Ménager ipotizza l'es...

Émir Al-Hakam Ier al-Rabdi ibn Hisham De cordoba (c.771 - c.822)

Ali de la Tribu Arabe Banu Kalb (Tunisie) a-KALBI ,Général des Fatimides de Tunis et de Sicile, Des Banu Kalb (b. - 938)

Ali a-Kalbi of Arab Banu Kalb Tribe, Tunisia, A general under the Fatimids of Tunis and Sicily, (d. 938 Agrigento, Sicily), married to Princess Richilda. of Cordova, (d/o Abdullah,7th Emir of Cordova a...

Altruda de Hauteville (de Moulins), of Boiano signora di Geraci (b. - aft.1073)

Altruda of Salerno (deceased)

Altrude Hauteville, regent of Antioch (bef.1067 - d.)

- (moved update 2020) 1. ALTRUDE (before [1065/70]-). Albert of Aix records the mother of Roger Prince of Antioch as the sister of Tancred, but does not name her[54]. The primary source which confirm...

Altrude of Hauteville (b. - bef.1108)

anna altavilla (deceased)

Anna Carriero (c.1737 - 1807)

Anna Altavilla (c.1909 - bef.1940)

Anthony "Tony" Altavilla (b. - 2003)

ALTAVILLA- Of Lynnfield, formerly of Chelsea, suddenly, December 20th, Antonio N. "Tony". Devoted husband of Clementine "Mindy" Altavilla. Beloved father of Donna Altavilla-DeMarco and her husband Dona...

Antonina Costa (1640 - d.)

Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Dec 16 2020, 7:55:33 UTC

Antonio Altavilla (deceased)

Assunta ALTAVILLA (deceased)

Astrude Di Teano (c.1105 - d.)

Beatrix de Mortain (of Hauteville), d'Eu (aft.1005 - 1101)

- . BEATRIX de Hauteville ([1005/10]-1101). The Annals of Romoald state that Tancred had three daughters without naming them or stating by which marriage they were born[90]. The chronology of her desce...

Berta de Hauteville (...) (deceased)

Carolina Montiglio di Ottiglio e Villanova (Bellone dei Marchesi di Altavilla) (b. - 1843)

Carolina dite Lina ALTAVILLA (1909 - 1994)