Surnames » of Ivrea » Profiles

Adelais NN, comtesse de Bourgogne MP (deceased)

Adeliza (Alice) of Normandy, Countess Of Burgundy MP (c.1002 - 1037)

- élaïde de Normandie (Adeliza, Aélis), c.1002 - 1038Parents: Richard 'le Bon' & Judith de Bretagne Spouse: Renaud de Mâcon, Comte de Bourgogne Children: 1. Guillaume 2. Guy 3. Hugues 4. FulquesLINKS

Alberada of Hauteville (of Buonalbergo) MP (c.1033 - 1122)

- - - 2. ALBERADA ([1032]-after 1058). Amatus records that "Gerard who was called Buonalbergo" came to Robert "Guiscard" who was visiting his brother in Apulia, proposed his marriage to "my aunt...

Arduin of Ivrea, king of Italy MP (c.955 - 1015)

- of Italy, 1002-1013; *Forced to abdicate and enter a monastery, 1013; *A homonyms sister of his wife Berta got married in 1014 (coincidence?:) *Died at Fruttuaria Abbey 15 Dec 1015. 2. ARDOINO (-Fru...

Otto II von Berg, bishop of Freising (1145-1220)

Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy MP (c.900 - 966)

BERENGARIO d´Ivrea son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966, bur Regensburg). x ( [930/31] ) WILLA d’Arles , daughter of BOSO...

Bertha, queen of Italy MP (b. - aft.1014)

- - Her parentage is unknown, but: she is often said to be identical with Bertha of Milan ,[1] who was a member of the Obertenghi dynasty. [Treccani & Medlands agree] Other scholars suggest that ...

Conrad of Ivrea, Conon MP (aft.940 - bef.1001)

- of Berengar II and Willa.CORRADO CONO d´Ivrea (-[998/1001]). The Gesta Mediolanensium names (in order) "Widone, Adelberto et Conone" as sons of King Berengario, specifying that "Conone" made peace wi...

Ermentrude of Roucy, countess of Mâcon and Burgundy MP (952 - 1003)

Ermentrude de Roucy (d. 1005)She was a daughter of Renaud of Roucy and his wife, Alberade of Lorraine, daughter of Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine.[2]Ermentrude married Alberic II of Mâcon and thus became a ...

Étiennette de Longwy, countess consort of Bourgogne MP (c.1030 - aft.1088)

. 1025-d 10/19/1088. Parentage uncertain, with no solid evidence (though many theories). Please see notes. Do not assign parents. Married to Guillaume I Count Palatin of Burgundy (Bourgogne).= = Étienn...

Gilberga d'Ivrea MP (c.945 - 986)

Married Aleramo of Monferrato. Gilberga did not bear any known children, according to FMG. - GILBERGA d´Ivrea (945-). "Gislam [et]…Girbergam" are named as daughters of Berengar and Willa by Liutpr...

Guido, marchese d'Ivrea MP (c.935 - 965)

- Cawley, Medieval Lands Database:son of Berengar II and Willa. GUIDO d´Ivrea ([940]-killed in battle on the Po 25 Jun 965). The Gesta Mediolanensium names (in order) "Widone, Adelberto et Conone" as s...

William I "the Great" count of Burgundy MP (1028 - 1087)

Guillaume I was Count Palatin of Burgundy (Comte Palatin de Bourgogne). See I, Count of Burgundy

Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon MP (aft.960 - 1026)

Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon=* Otto “Count of Macon” Guillaume de Bourgogne I * Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Ita...

Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy MP (986 - 1057)

Research: Name Spellings Authors of books, compendium chapters, and academic journal articles written in English use various name-spellings: Renaud, Rainald, and Reginald. More commonly used in aca...

Rozala of Italy MP (952 - bef.1004)

(27 languages) Rozala of Italy (also known as Rozala of Lombardy , Rozala of Ivrea or Susanna of Ivrea ; c. 950–960 –1003) was countess consort of Flanders by marriage to Arnulf II of Flanders, and...

Stéphanie Ivrea de Bourgogne (de Vienne) MP (1088 - 1179)

Willa of Tuscany MP (912 - c.963)

- var i tysk fangenskap, og ble nonne etter Berengars død. 1)1). Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 304. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: R...

... d'Ivrea (...) (deceased)

.... of Ivrea (....) (deceased)

Adalbert Marquis Ivrea (de Ivrea) (947 - c.972)

Adalbert II. Ivrea (c.934 - c.973)

Adalberto d'Ivrea (b. - bef.1014)

Adalberto I Marquès de Ivrea (deceased)

Re Adalberto II d'Ivrea, Re d'Italia (deceased)

Adalbertus Of Ivrea II (deceased)

Adelaide D'Ivrea (c.1035 - 1113)

Adelbert I di Ivrea (c.880 - c.924)

Princess Marquise Countess Agnese di Ivrea (di Challant) (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Alinda di Ivrea (Pallavicino) (deceased)

Amedeo II d'Ivrea, di Pombia (deceased)

Amedeo I d'Ivrea, 1st count of Pombia (aft.920 - 962)

- !\

Amedeo, conte d'Ivrea (b. - bef.1097)

Amedeo VI d'Ivrea, di Mosezzo (b. - aft.965)

- i) AMEDEO d´Ivrea . His parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 2 Sep 962 which records that "Hegelricus ex genere francorum" sold his share of property "in fundo Musicio et…fundo Vicolongo" {Mes...

Andocino D'Ivrea (c.960 - 1015)

Andocino D'Ivrea (c.980 - 1029)

Andocino II D'Ivrea (c.1015 - d.)

Prince Marquis Count Andrea di San Martino Lorenzato di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Maquise Countess Ângela di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Ângelo di San Martino Lorenzato di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Anna di Ivrea (deceased)

Anscar I of Ivrea (deceased)

marchese Anscario II d'Ivrea, duca di Spoleto (c.915 - 940)

- - - Assassinated, c. 940. The duchy of Spoleto passed as a reward to his assassin (Saribono), and then to Hubert (Uberto), illegitimate son of King Ugo & Wandelmoda [Anscario's possible half-si...

ANSCARIO COUNT OF IVREA 891-896 (deceased)

Anscar II (or Anscaris) of Ivrea (c.850 - d.)

Anscar Margrave of Ivrea (b. - 902)

Anscar of Ivrea (deceased)

Anskar II Ivrea Graf (c.840 - c.887)

Prince Marquis Count Antonio Francesco di Ivrea (c.1908 - c.1985)

Prince Marquis Count Antonio di Ivrea (c.1841 - c.1900)

conte Ardicino d'Ivrea, Arduino II (b. - c.1050)

- ) ARDICINO d´Ivrea . "Otto…rex" granted rights to the bishopric of Vercelli by charter dated 1 Nov 1000 which names "Ardoini filii Dodonis…Ardicinus filius Ardoini marchionis"[523]. "Ottho comes fili...

Prince Marquis Count Ardizino di Lorenzato di Castelnuovo di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Ardizino di Lorenzato di San Martino del Canavese di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Ardizzoto di Lorenzato di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Arduino III, conte d'Ivrea (b. - 1089)

King of Italy Emperor Marquis of Ivrea Arduino di Ivrea (c.955 - c.1018)

Aubert de Ivrea (882 - 942)

Aubert de Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Beatrice di Ivrea (Conte di Toriano) (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Beatrice di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Conte Benedetto di Lorenzato di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Berengar II. Ivrea (c.900 - 966)

King of Italy Marquis of Ivrea Berengario di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Bernardina di Ivrea (di Lorenzato di San Martino) (deceased)

Berrenger II d'Ivrea, King of Italy (deceased)

Queen of Italy Berta di Ivrea (di Borgogna e di Navarra) (deceased)

Bertha Von Ivrea (D´'esté) (c.980 - c.1037)

Burkhard I van Ivrea en Zwaben (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Carlo di Lorenzato di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Carlo di Lorenzato Parella di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Catterina di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Catterina di Ivrea (di Quart) (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Catterina di Ivrea (deceased)

Dado d'Ivrea, count of Pombia (940 - bef.998)

- L'ascendenza di Dadone è incerta. È possibile che fosse il figlio secondogenito del primo Conte di Pombia Amedeo I d'Ivrea (...-†962), a sua volta figlio di Adalberto I (890-930), Marchese d'Ivrea ...

Prince Marquis Count of Pombia Dodone di Ivrea (c.942 - c.973)

Princess Marquise Countess Elena di Ivrea (di Biandrate) (deceased)

Etienetta (Stephanie) de Longwy de Metz (deceased)

Étiennette de Bourgogne (1060 - 1102)

Princess Figlia di Arduino Glabrione di Ivrea (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Francesca di Ivrea (Pagliotto) (deceased)

Princess Marquise Countess Francesca di Ivrea (Solerio) (deceased)

Geberga De Mâcon Bourgogne (deceased)

Gerberta di Chalon, Regina consorte d'Italia (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Giacomo di San Marino Lorenzato di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Gio Giacomo di San Martino di Lorentato di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Giovanni di San Martino Lorenzato di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Girolamo di Lorenzato di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

online trees only

Gisela di Ivrea (c.840 - d.)

- <-- expired / don't work

Gisela Countess of Burgundy-Ivrea (1080 - 1133)

Gisela Condesa de Friuli (deceased)

Gisela, Princess Of Italy (deceased)

Gisele De Fruili (deceased)

Gisla d'Ivrea (c.940 - aft.965)

Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands database Daughter of Berengar II and Willa.GISLA d´Ivrea . "Gislam [et]…Girbergam" are named as daughters of Berengar and Willa by Liutprand[565]. The primary source whic...

Prince Marquis Count Giuseppe Antonio di Ivrea (c.1871 - c.1917)

Prince Marquis Count Guala di Lorenzato, Parella, Castronovo, di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Guglielmo di Lorenzato, Castelnuovo di San Martino di Ivrea (deceased)

Guiberto d'Ivrea, conte di Pombia (c.965 - aft.1014)

Guiberto di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Guido II di San Martino, Lorenzato del Canavese di Ivrea (deceased)

Prince Marquis Count Guido I di San Martino del Canavese di Ivrea (deceased)

Guidone di Ivrea, III (deceased)