Surnames » Perlow [of Karlin] » Profiles

Chaya Sara Twersky (Perlow of Karlin), [Magid 1st wife] MP (1765 - c.1803)

אריה לייב קוגן מוסיף: נפטרה בשנת 1803-1804 כמו שמופיע בספר נחלת צבי חלק ח עמוד 151

R' Avrohom Elimelech Perlow, Admur of Karlin (1892 - 1942)

---Elimelech Perlov was born in Stolin in 1897 to Yisrael. He was a rabbi and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Pinsk, Poland. During the war he was in Pinsk, Poland. Elimelech perished in 1942 in Pin...

Chane Twersky (Perlow [Karlin]) (deceased)