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Pilkington Genealogy and Pilkington Family History Information

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  • Alexander de Pilkington, I (c.1110 - c.1180)
    Additional Curator's Note: Alexander de Pilkington is the oldest person of this line for whom we can find documents from the time in which he lived, and he is known in reference to his sons. The manor ...
  • Alice de Pilkington (b. - aft.1202)
    Alice de Pilkington was the daughter of Alexander de Pilkington. She was born in Lancashire, England. She was a party to the Final Concords of 1202, along with her brothers Alexander and William. Becau...
  • Alice Pilkington (c.1464 - 1492)
    'Alice Savage1* 'F, b. circa 1464*Father Sir John Savage, Mayor of Chester1 b. c 1423, d. 22 Nov 1495 *Mother Katherine Stanley b. 1430 * ' Alice Savage was born circa 1464 at of Clifton, Cheshire, Eng...
  • Alice (de Bury) Pilkington, heiress of Bury (b. - c.1375)
    On the death of Lady Margery, the Bury estated passed to the Pilkingtons, by marriage of Alicia, eldest daughter of Margery, to Roger de Pilkington. Alice Bury1 F, d. circa 1374 Father Henry de Bu...
  • Alice Pilkington (c.1522 - 1594)

About the Pilkington surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Pilkington surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Pilkington surname.

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