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  • Agnes Murray (1580 - 1615)
  • Annie Riddell (1617 - d.)
  • Audrey I. Pheffer
    Audrey I. Pheffer (born August 13, 1941)[1] is an American Democratic Party politician from New York. She is currently serving as Queens County Clerk. Previously, she represented District 23 in the N...
  • Baye Pewhairangi Riddell
    Baye Pewhairangi Riddell (born 1950) is a New Zealand ceramicist, composer and musician of Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau-a-Ruataupare descent.
  • Sir David Crichton of Cranston-Riddell (b. - bef.1485)
    SIR DAVID CRICHTON OF CRANSTON-RIDDELL=== Disputed Ancestry The ancestry of Sir David Crichron of Cranston-Riddell, here treated, has not been satisfactorily identified. Clan MacFarlane claims...

About the Riddell surname

Looking for Robert Riddell of Cornhill, Scotland.

Do not have his 1st or 2nd wife's names but his son from his 1st wife was Douglas Haig Mc. Riddell born in 1917. Robert also had a daughter but she died from a surgery complication in late 20;s early 30's, She was married and had two children however do not know their names.