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Schimko Genealogy and Schimko Family History Information

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About the Schimko surname

Schimko families may be descended from members of Shimaku tribe called also Simaku ,
in the Peru region of the Holy Land of America,called in the antiquity Peraia ( Perawi-Wa ) .
They might have been given the name of Abgar Simaqa ,one of the kings of Osrhoéné kingdom ,
that might have been a foundation of Os-Rho people,that is Alan of Volga ,because Os is Alan in
Rha is the ancient name of Volga .
This name might have later been changed to Rhós ( Rho-Os ) ,the country of peoples at Volga .

A Rhos kingdom might have also been in Ecuador ,the kingdom of Cara dynasty ,of its kings titled
Scyri ,who are believed to be related to Barbakoan and Paezan peoples,or these were included into
their kingdom .
The O-Koshko-Kyewa tribe might have been a part of it ,relatives of some of the inhabitants of the
Rhus of Kiev ,of langauge closely related to that of the Panakita tribe,that might well have been the
originaly tongue of the Pathinakita in the territory of what is now Ukraine .

The Abgar dynasty ,however ,was believed to be of Nabataian origin .
Its founder was called Arui ,ruling until about 127 BC ,who may be identical with Nikoméd,king of
Bithynia ,running by an Arabian sounding name ,because Areios ( Arewi ) is the ancient name of Méds .
Arikara tribe in the Northern country,related to Skiri , may be descended from him
and from his people ,the Arui-Kara and the Scyri..
K'itaish are also with them ,likely emigrants from Quito ,the capital of Cara kingdom ,
a foundation of Kitays of Liao .

11 Cara kings were said to rule in Quito kingdom in a spcae of time between 157 BC and 28 AD ,
then followed the dynasty of Duchizela .
Soon ,Romans attacked and occupied the country ,ruined the Temple of God,and big part of the
people has been deported into Eurasia ,or left the country for fear of the brutality of the occupiants .
Ancestors of Shimko families might have been among them,from Shimaku tribe .
Urarinas,or Singacuchuscas ,who share the langauge with the Shimaku ,
may well be of origin from Singra / Silla kingdom ,descended from Sek-Kuchu ,
son of Sek T'arhae ,ancestor of Tarasca nation in Michoácan .
Some among the Urarina are calle Apikostama-Rus .

See Tenemaza,Hirschl,Hirschel,,Birar,Cacha,Duchizela,Cara,Kara,Toroczkai,Dutch,Simko,Tarasca,
Gayer,Gayerhos,Páez,Kostroma and others !

Balázs Déri