Congratulations to Our 3rd Curator Appreciation Month Winner!

Posted November 26, 2012 by Amanda | No Comment

We’re happy to announce last week’s Curator Appreciation Month winner, Kathleen Marie Puckett (Rose)! Kathleen just won a free 6-month subscription to Geni Pro! Thanks for sharing your amazing experiences with German Curator Tobias Rachor. Read her story below:

Tobias Rachor (Deutscher Kurator) is always willing to help. I do not read or speak German. Tobias has cited many, many facts from Norbert Schmitt (Pfarrer in Neunkirchen), Neunkirchener Familienbuch 1685 – 1910. German facts that my family would have never know, if it wasn’t for Tobias taking the time to research and translate so much elusive information. Tobias is Amazing. He devotes so much time and effort to helping all of us. We are all family!

Tobias messaged me to say he found a new connection between two families in the same German village that were parts of my family. How exciting! He deleted duplicate profiles for me also.

[He] connected me with another member who has the same great great grandfather as I. We were able to exchange information and photographs. Priceless!

Tobias is the first German Curator! A very worthy title for him. Tobias spends so many hours on Geni and is involved in an unbelievable number of projects. I don’t know how he manages to work it all in. Wonderful Kurator!

Tobias was able to find numerous spellings of an unusual name, added sever[al] profiles and researched even more information. And at such a rapid pace, I could barely keep up with him! Then he sent me a link so I could find another person faster. He is Great!

Once I disclosed private information about one of my relatives in a message. Tobias assured me that he would never make public such private information and told me we have the responsibility to our close relatives, to keep such information confidential. I have full trust and confidence in Tobias.

I quoted a story from a book I owned concerning a family member. Tobias said it was a nice story, but no facts! He then proceeded to enumerate facts about this person that I was not aware of. Tobias taught me to check all facts and not take someone else’s word as being absolutely correct until I do.

[He] advised me that it is always good to insert citations from literature, but they should be marked accordingly and an accurate indication of the source should be added—-when I asked him about adding additional information to a relative. I treasure his guidance.

I am so happy to be able to count on Tobias Rachor (Deutscher Kurator). He has been a tremendous help in my family genealogy search. Not only that . . we found out that we were related! He is my second cousin five times removed’s husband’s fifth cousin four times removed. Never would have know that one! Thanks Geni.

Congratulations, Kathleen! Have you submitted your Curator story? You have one more chance to win a FREE Geni Pro subscription. Send us your Curator story today! See the contest details here. And read other stories here.

Click here to submit your Curator story!


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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