Tell Us Your Curator Story and Win a Free Geni Pro Subscription!

Posted November 1, 2012 by Amanda | 12 Comments

It’s November, which means it’s that time of year when we traditionally take time to acknowledge all the things we are thankful for – family, friends, those we love and cherish. We wanted to take the time to thank and acknowledge all of the amazing Curators and the tremendous work they all do to help the Geni community.

We’re calling November “Curator Appreciation Month.” Have you ever asked a Curator for help with your family tree? Here’s your opportunity to share with everyone your experiences and give thanks to this hard working group of volunteers. As an added bonus, when you submit your story, you will be entered for the chance to win a free 6-month Geni Pro subscription. Simply follow the instructions below on how to enter.

A winner will be announced at the end of each week (with the exception of this Friday) and their story featured on the Geni blog. All Geni users are eligible to enter, so be sure to submit your stories by 12:00 pm PST on November 30, 2012 for your chance to win. Once all the entries are collected at the end of the month, we’ll announce the winner of our Grand Prize – a  free year of Geni Pro and a special gift pack chock-full of Geni goodies!

How to Enter:

Submit your stories now by filling out this form.

You must provide the email address you use to login to your Geni account.


  1. You must provide a valid email address to enter.
  2. You must have a Geni account.
  3. For your entry to be valid, you must follow the steps in the “How to Enter” section.
  4. All entries must be received by November 30, 2012 12:00 pm PST.
  5. Contests/giveaways must be legal in the area in which you live to participate.
  6. If you win the grand prize, you must respond within five days to the notification email to claim your prize.
  7. Winners will be randomly chosen from valid entries. Your odds of winning depend on the number of entries.
  8. Multiple entries accepted as long as they are unique stories.
  9. We reserve the right to update the rules at any time without notification.

Have fun and good luck!

Click here to submit your story now!


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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