Labor Day Event – Add Unlimited Relatives for FREE!

Posted August 30, 2012 by Amanda | 3 Comments

Celebrate Labor Day with Geni by working on your family tree! Between August 31 – September 3, you can add unlimited people to your family tree for FREE! Whether you’ve welcomed a new member to the family or discovered a new branch of ancestors, here’s your chance to add their place in your family tree. Add as many people as you can because you get to keep each new addition to your tree at no extra charge!

And remember to invite your relatives to join in on the genealogy fun to help build your family tree even faster! In no time, you’ll be discovering new relatives and making connections with family you never knew you had.

Be sure to like this blog post and share it on Facebook, tweet it, +1 it on Google+ or pin it to spread the word! The more people you tell, the bigger your family tree can grow!

Remember, this offer is only available this Labor Day weekend between August 31 – September 3! Preserve your family history – login to your Geni account now to get started!

Take me to my tree!


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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